Babyblue, check this out!


Brady lady
Premium Member
Mar 11, 2005
Reaction score

May you have a great special day!
Happy Birthday and may you have many, many more!
Happy Birthday, BabyBlue. Have a good one! :)

Mod's Note:
Thread is sticky for the time being.
Thanks Oceanblue!

Yup! I am getting older. My daughter was making fun of me by counting the gray hairs! I told her it is blonde, not gray! :lol: Then my son concurred with her! :P.

Gotta love them!
Thanks Oceanblue!

Yup! I am getting older. My daughter was making fun of me by counting the gray hairs! I told her it is blonde, not gray! :lol: Then my son concurred with her! :P.

Gotta love them!

you are welcome! You are not getting old :) Children are funny :lol:
Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy your special day! oxoxox
:birthday: :birthday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, BABYBLUE!!!! :birthday: :birthday:

After you finish your work, just have fun enjoying your birthday. By the way, you might have a birthday party at work, you never know. :thumb:
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry9700/ Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/122)

Happy Birthday! I hope you will have a great one. :)

:birthday: :birthday: :birthday:
Thank you. Loghead, Phillips, Sallylou,

Gracious! xsuperchick.

Thanks Bebonang, SG, and Gangis.