B***S**t game.

Jun 3, 2004
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Have anyone here heard of BS game?? I've played it recently for first time. I loved it... It was so much fun.. even tho I keep losing. :-P I gotta to learn how to read people...
Are you referring to the card game? If it is, I agree. I like that game.
VamPyroX said:
Are you referring to the card game? If it is, I agree. I like that game.

Yeah, that's what I think. Its BS poker game.
Poker? Do you pass out the whole deck to everyone who plays then call out the cards as you put them down. If someone thinks you're lying, they say "bullshit". If you did lie, you take all the cards in the discard pile. If you're telling the truth, the accuser takes it instead. Also, you're supposed to discard cards in order and cards can be one, two, three, or four of a kind.

Is that the game you're referring to?
I seen my friends playing this game on her birthday party till they all got drunk up thier ass. So I didnt pretty much play since I was trying to learn from them by watching :o But it seems fun though.
Here's the version of BULLSHIT that I know of and played.

The game I'm talking about is best when played with up 6 people. You could play with more, but definitely not 13 people for there are 13 numbers in the deck and that would make it 99% impossible for one to actually win the game. Basically, you take out the Jokers and then shuffle the whole deck of 52 cards. Next, deal them out clockwise until you run out of cards. The person on the left begins the game by discarding one or more Ace(s) face down. When placing the card(s) face down, you must call out what you placed down. If you put down 2 Aces, you call out "Two Aces". By going clockwise, the next person would be the person on the left. That person has to follow the numerical order of the cards. That means, he or she would have to discard one or more Two(s). Again, this is done face down and is called out. Each player takes his turn clockwise. When you arrive to King, the next person starts over with Ace again. Now, where does "Bullshit!" come in? Well, this is a game of trickery, bluffing, and straight-faceness. If someone thinks that he or she is lying about the card(s) that was discarded, he or she can call out, "Bullshit!" When you look at the card(s) that were discarded and it is the same as called, then the person who called "Bullshit!" gets the penalty of collecthing the whole discard pile. If the person who called, "Bullshit!" is correct, and the cards that were called is wrong, then the person who discarded those incorrect card(s) gets the penalty of collecting the whole discard pile. Some of us may not have the next number, but we still must discard at least one card. That's where the "Bullshit!" sneakiness comes in. You need a Ten and you don't have one. You have to learn to give a straight face and discard any card, but call out "One Ten" and move on to the next person. All you can do is hope that no one sees through your lies and calls out "Bullshit!" on you. If you admit that you don't have the next number, then you have to accept the penalty of collecting the entire discarded pile. Now, how does the game end? You can play two ways. One way is to play until the first person who runs out of cards first wins... game over! The other way is to play until the first person runs out of card... then continue until the second person runs out. This could go until the first three people run out... but it's preferably when one goes out cuz once that first person goes out, it becomes extremely difficult to end the game sooner due to the mix-up of the remaining cards among the other players.
I wish they have that game online, so we could play that game internationally with webcam. it'd be fun... I really hope I'll get to play that game again soon... Hopefully with at least 5-7 people or so... is fine with me...
o0obluemoon0o0 said:
Yeah, its the same game I learned first week of July. :-D so much fun...
Yep. I like to play like a dumb idiot making them think I'm lying. "Two Kings... no, wait... I mean... umm... Two Queens!" *gulps* *blushing* That gets them calling, "Bullshit!" every time! Hehehe!
VamPyroX said:
Yep. I like to play like a dumb idiot making them think I'm lying. "Two Kings... no, wait... I mean... umm... Two Queens!" *gulps* *blushing* That gets them calling, "Bullshit!" every time! Hehehe!

LoL... :) funny. I wish there is a online BS game.. with webcam directly on each player's face.. :-( it'd be interesting, and something to try to see if it works and is still fun to play as it is IRL.