Awesome CI Moments!


New Member
Feb 7, 2007
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I am loving these "CI moments"!!!

While I have heard just about everything before with my HA's. I can't believe how much more I hear. And am still amazed with all the CI moments I had.

Today, I went to my salon & was happy when I realized I could hear the owner ask me how I was doing and I grinned saying "I'm great, thanks!" then I stopped by the library to ask why I haven't heard from them about "Rebuilt" being in. They said they did call/email but we didn't get it. Turns out that they had the old email addy for me, so I had her put in the updated one & she said someone will call w/in the next 2 wks. I couldn't believe how much I could understand the Librarian and didn't need a pen and paper or to even struggle with asking her to repeat. It was just amazing! I even told her and she was like "That's really neat!" :D

It hasn't even been 2 wks yet til Thurs, that's when I go back for my 2nd map. Yeah!

Hope yall are doing well! :]
I am SO HAPPY for you!!! And trust me - even years after activation you will continue to have CI moments - in fact its been 2 years for me and I had one this morning - I had changed the antivirus program on my computer and it updated, and I didn't realize when it updates it also informs you through the speakers! I was sitting here and all of a sudden heard "Your virus definitions have been updated." It was so cool, considering these are NOT the clearest speakers.
Congratations and I know those CI moments must mean a lot to you!

Here's my most recent CI moment, I ordered food from a drive in and I was nervous as the speaker was impossible for me to understand with my HA. I'm suprised at how much easier it it is to understand them now with the CI. I've never ordered food via the speaker before and I'm 40 years old! I've always used the p&p methold in the past.
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Happy for ya deafmama! Hope you continue to get these nice surprises!
To both Deafmomma and Deafskeptic, great CI moments!

Glad to hear things are going well for both of you.

Wow, you're really making GREAT progress with your CI! Congratulations!

As neecy said, you will continue to experience CI moments for years to come. I've had my first CI for 2 1/2 years and I still have CI moments on a daily basis.

Keep those CI moments coming! They are a joy to read! :)

P.S. deafskeptic: Congratulations on your CI moment! :)
deafmama, That is wonderful! Keep us posted. Are you using a HA in the unimplanted ear?
This is really neat, you two(Mama & Skeptic); wait till ya hear the swishing of your dogs' tails! Lol....

I can share one from yesterday as well...

(from Lotte's Blog..)

One of those great moments just happened....

I'm sitting with Lotte at the table playing the "balancing game" and my wife starts a CD (music). As she walks towards us, and the music starts, I ask Lotte. "What's that you're hearing?"

Hoping she get's the question, wishing she answers something like "Music" .....
she answers... ( with a face like "do you really don't know yourself.."


We choke up, and look at each other, in awe!! Sometime we take things for granted, and then sometimes we notice that that we underestimate her...)
set2: Yep, I'm still wearing my HA in the unimplanted ear. At this point I must have both on or it feels like I can't hear [when in reality I can. but I seem to hear 10x better when both is on, make sense?]

Cloggy: That's awesome!

Everyone: Thank you!
Had another awesome CI moment yesterday at the Spa that my cousin took all her bridesmaids to. I decided on getting a massage, since it's my 1st one, ever. The girl told me that after I get undressed and get in the table thing with the blankets covering me, she'll knock on the door before she enters. So she leaves & I get undressed and got in & waited. I heard her knock [have been able to with HA's before, so that wasn't new for me. What's new for me was. . . being able to hear her clearly ask me if I'm all set for her to come in. It was awesome. :) I smiled and said "Yep, come in!" :)

I came home so excited & told my husband about it and he said "See, you can even understand alot without having to look at people's faces & lipread!!! See, what'd I tell you?" :)

That's great! :)

Speaking of being able to understand people without lipreading...after my first CI was activated, I was concerned about how my blindness would impact my ability to understand speech. To the pleasant surprise of my CI audi and myself, we discovered that I was able to understand speech quite well despite my inablity to lipread and use visual cues.

I've also heard sighted CI users tell me how much more they can understand when they try not to rely on lipreading or captioning while watching TV. They're amazed at how much they do understand -- especially people who have been lipreading for most, if not all of their lives.

Congratulations on your CI moment! Keep them coming! :) They're exciting to read and bring back memories of my own early CI moments! :)

I can share one from yesterday as well...

(from Lotte's Blog..)

That's awesome..can she identify the different notes on the guitar? Just curious. I cant even though I can identify a when a guitar is playing on the radio..just cant recognize the notes. Maybe Lotte can?
I hate all of u..u are making CIs sound so GREAT and making me tempted to get STOP! Just kidding...I am happy for all of you and that u are having your great CI moments. :)
Hear Again: I am the same, I watch TV and I'm able to follow along, despite the captions still being on. I may miss a word here or there but for simple shows like Hannah Montana, The Suite of Zack and Cody, That's So Raven [what my girls likes to watch] I normally don't watch but when I sat down and watched for a few minutes, Hannah Montana was the 1st one, I noticed how I understood Miley & Lilly talking so I continued to watch it and now use that show as a way to practice!! It's great!

That's gotta be hard not having sight to have cues to follow but you seem to be doing awesome! I am happy for you that your CI seems to be doing a great job for you.

I'm gonna PM you, is that okay?