average weekly commute ?

I used to put in 500 to 600 miles a week on my car driving back and forth to work until I moved back to Knoxville last May.

Since then my driving has gone down to only 250 miles every TWO weeks! Living in the city is bliss enough considering how much arm and leg gas is costing me.
cady75 said:
Hey.. beat this. I have to commute to work, 80 miles a DAY, so that comes up to 400 miles a week (sheesh! I didn't even realize it was THAT high).

Plus, I hve to pay the bridge toll which is $4 every time you across, bringing it to 8 dollars a day

Then the drive itself takes about three hours total, if I'm lucky, and up to 5 on a bad traffic day.


I NEED to move.
Ouch! That is bad!