Auto Trader Commercial with the Dukes


In Hazzard County
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Premium Member
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
cc not the greatest, and a couple funny lines, so here's the dialogue.

Bo: We still got it cousin

Luke: I'm not sure about our old friend here though (pats dashboard)

Bo: Police cars are just alot faster than they used to be

Luke: That is why I'm on auto trader
BO! lookout! (drives through fence)

Bo: Sure could use one of those backup cameras right about now

Luke: Auto trader lets you search for bluetooth, traction control - this one even has a remote start

Bo: This time make sure the doors open

Luke: I think they all do

Bo: Really?

Bo: Can't seem to shake the sheriff's new car!


Bo: What was that?

Luke: It's an alert from auto trader. I just told them what we needed and they go find it

Bo: They can do that?

Luke: Oh yeah.

Bo: huh.

(sheriff pulls along side)

Sheriff: Hi Luke!

Luke: Oh hey Liney!


Bo: Another alert?

Luke: Yeah price drop

Bo: Luke we gotta get out of this

Bo: Save your search. Hand me your phone
(throws it at detour sign. spins sign to other direction)

Luke: Now what am I gonna do about my auto trader search?

Bo: Pick it back up on my tablet

Luke: oh good idea
(notices road is out) Bo! BOBOBOBOBO!

(jumps over crane thingy, crashes into car dealership)

Salesman: Hey boys

Bo: Hey rusty, fred, (shows them tablet) we'd like to see this one please

Luke: Can we git it in orange?
Thanks for the transcripts. :)