
Except your supposedly contrary example was clearly audist even by BecLak's definition. Someone who claims to accept a culture but then rejects someone because they're a member of that culture has, in fact, not accepted the culture. More to point, someone who says, "I accept your Deaf culture, but I refuse to let you date my daughter because of your affiliation with that culture," is an audist by BecLak's definition.

You're talking token acceptance. True acceptance of Deaf culture would eliminate audism, just as true acceptance of black culture would eliminate racism.

Yes, audism can be defined without the cultural component, but BecLak's definition isn't nearly as narrow as you're making it out to be.

That may be. And that's why I posed situations that didn't seem to fit.

But I didn't say the hypothetical neighbor says " I accept your Deaf culture, but I refuse to let you date my daughter because of your affiliation with that culture." I said he refused "because your child is deaf." Not able to hear. Not because your child is affiliated with Deaf Culture. A judgment that a lack of hearing makes someone inferior -- regardless of cultural affiliation.
Yes, he previously said in this interview "So, now that I've seen the evidence, I would seriously consider a cochlear implant for my child, even if, at the same time, I would push for the acquisition of ASL as a first language and use some English-based signing as a bridge to English print." But I believe his point in saying that "there is never going to be a "one size fits all" solution for deaf children either educationally or in language" is that his own personal preference for children being bilingual, using spoken language, signed English, and ASL, doesn't necessarily apply to all children.

Except that throughout the interview, he pointed out several things that clearly do not work or things that research has shown to be a clear detriment. So Marschark's position is that while there is no "one size fits all" solution, there are solutions that should never be considered simply because they have a low success rate (such as oralism). Divorced from context, your signature quote makes Marschark sound almost laissez-faire, as if he's adopting an "anything goes" attitude with regards to the education of Deaf children. There are two possibilities: 1) You deliberately took the quote out of context in order to make it appear as if Marschark supports your point of view; or 2) You misunderstood the entire interview.
Except that throughout the interview, he pointed out several things that clearly do not work or things that research has shown to be a clear detriment. So Marschark's position is that while there is no "one size fits all" solution, there are solutions that should never be considered simply because they have a low success rate (such as oralism). Divorced from context, your signature quote makes Marschark sound almost laissez-faire, as if he's adopting an "anything goes" attitude with regards to the education of Deaf children. There are two possibilities: 1) You deliberately took the quote out of context in order to make it appear as if Marschark supports your point of view; or 2) You misunderstood the entire interview.

You missed one:
3) I agree entirely with Marschark's various positions throughout the interview and find his own summation to be a fitting cap on a lengthy discussion, well represented by that single line.

Marshark's views came well before mine. My daughter's experience supports what he has stated in this interview. And I certainly don't see his position or that line as stating "anything goes"
That may be. And that's why I posed situations that didn't seem to fit.

But I didn't say the hypothetical neighbor says " I accept your Deaf culture, but I refuse to let you date my daughter because of your affiliation with that culture." I said he refused "because your child is deaf." Not able to hear. Not because your child is affiliated with Deaf Culture. A judgment that a lack of hearing makes someone inferior -- regardless of cultural affiliation.

Which, as I said, is just pointless hairsplitting.
You missed one:
3) I agree entirely with Marschark's various positions throughout the interview and find his own summation to be a fitting cap on a lengthy discussion, well represented by that single line.
If you genuinely believe that the entire interview can be summarized in a single sentence divorced from context then it's 2) You misunderstood the entire interview.
If you genuinely believe that the entire interview can be summarized in a single sentence divorced from context then it's 2) You misunderstood the entire interview.

I'm curious.. Can you (or whoever else) provide a quote from Marsharck that sums up his entire interview nicely?
If you genuinely believe that the entire interview can be summarized in a single sentence divorced from context then it's 2) You misunderstood the entire interview.

That's a creative interpretation of my words. But not accurate in the least.

Or more so, there seems to be a controversy over the act of POSTING this quote in her signature. I am not sure how people want Grendel post it differently?

I understand the argument of interpreting the quote differently, but.... people keep saying that she shouldn't post a quote out of context. Grendel DID post a link to the quote, so... I am not sure what's the issue here? Should quotes not be posted? ALL quotes are stated WITHOUT context. Quotes are simple 1-3 sentences. It's mind boggling.

In fact, I shouldn't even be quoting StSapphire in this post, I may be taking his posts out of context!
People don't keep saying she shouldn't post a qoute out of context. People say she posts quotes out of context.

GrendelQ is denying this. That's the entertainment.
Grendel, it sounds like you're open to all possibilities. I understand about the sad part. My "baby" graduates from high school next year. I'm not ready!
Yes. Notice the awesome smokescreen that is building up. Enjoy the view.

my video is being uploaded. It should clarify a lot of what I have been saying - and in plain sight. ...

too bad its a huge file, wish I could upload it quickly.
Some people apparently have index fingers too feeble to click on the link which Grendel has provided to the entire context. That is unfortunate for them. Their failure to click does not equate to meaning that Grendel is posting something out of context, however.
If you genuinely believe that the entire interview can be summarized in a single sentence divorced from context then it's 2) You misunderstood the entire interview.
Or a mix of 2) and 3).

She misunderstood the interview, but belive that she got it right in her choice of summary.
my video is being uploaded. It should clarify a lot of what I have been saying - and in plain sight. ...

too bad its a huge file, wish I could upload it quickly.
Look forward to it, english is so poor compared to ASL. Unfortunately I'm on low speed internet at the moment.
People don't keep saying she shouldn't post a qoute out of context. People say she posts quotes out of context.

GrendelQ is denying this. That's the entertainment.

Gotta love double negatives...