

New Member
Feb 27, 2007
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I find that a lot of people I have come across since I have had hearing aids as a young child that they have a lot of assumptions that come along with meeting me. I mean, people seemed to automatically think that because I did have hearing aids, that I had a mental disability as well. I got special attention from various teachers and counsellors and such throughout school up until the end of high school. Now that I am in University it is optional and I have to pursue the help if I need it. Anyways, have any of you come across people who assumed you had other problems just because you are deaf or partially deaf? Most of the time I just brush it off and prove people wrong but frankly it does get annoying every once and awhile.
I can't remember if I was thought to have other "problem" when they found out I am deaf.

I have known people to ask me weird or stupid questions such as can I read or write, or that can I drive.

More I think about this, I think I probably have been treated like I was "slow" or something. But I have probably never noticed it until you bought it up.

I think I will keep my eye out for this stuff.

I am curious to see what other deaf people say in this thread.
deafdyke and I have chatted about this alot. I know my son became very reluctant to use his voice, becasue people would automatically assume that he was MRDD. And, many hearing people with no exposure to deaf/hh individuals seem to equate not hearing with not comprehending.
Most of the time I just brush it off and prove people wrong but frankly it does get annoying every once and awhile.

I LOVE your attitude! i am hearing and i think that educating ignorant hearing people that deaf people are normal is the best thing to do. i work at Pizza Hut and one of the drivers is Deaf. Him and i sign at work and people are sooo surprised when i turn around and talk to them. i don't get it, do they think that sign language is some crazy impossible hidden thing??? My friend at work says more intelligent things in a minute than i hear form hearing people most all day.
Oh I could write a book.
But I'll just mention one. I work at Tim Horton's. My boss is a bi*ch. Bascially, she thinks because I have a hearing loss, I'm also stupid and need to be talked to like a four year old. :run: . God I hate her. She will stop me in what I'm doing, take me somewhere else, and proceed to explain it to me using small words so I can "understand" her. IE I was in the freezer getting bagels and I went to put them in the oven, as soon as I turned around, she had all the yogurt stuff in her arms and she went "You do yogurt yes?" I give her a look and told her I still had a list to finish first. She snatched the list out of my hand and told me not to worry about "such a big list!" :ugh3: There was only 4 things on the list.
Some people are ignorant or stupid. Sometimes both. Which makes me sad that there's so many of them out there! :rifle:

I've had a lot of people make assumptions when I worked as a waitress.. But I just showed them that they shouldn't assume the worst about deaf people just because they're deaf.
Assumptions are usually the mothers of all screw-ups, lol. Sometimes we can or have to make assumptions but for the most part, I think the best way (and that includes me, of course), especially here on the Internet, is to try to be neutral....
Growing up there was the assumption by hearing people in general that since I was able to speak so clearly, I could hear pretty well so whenever I would misunderstand or didn't get what they were saying, they usually gave me dirty looks like I wasn't really paying attention in the first place.

Another assumption was that several of my teachers told me that I am so special and that I am so smart because I could talk well.

As a result of that, I grew up paranoid if my speech skills weren't perfect, it meant I was dumb.

It was my peers who assumed that I was dumber than them simply because I am deaf.