Assistant Principal calls my ASL teacher disabled and handicapped..


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Nov 22, 2006
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There was an interpreter there too, so she knew what she was saying. I was so surprised the AP said that. The LAST thing you want to do is call a deaf person disabled or handicapped. It kind of pissed me off when I heard her say that, because it's not a disability or a handicap. That AP looks so mean anyway >.<.
did you confront the idiot AP in private with an interpreter .. to express how you feel about this?
No I should have though...but it bugged me! I love my ASL teacher, I think she's cool. I don't look down on her, I think she's intelligent.
What did your teacher do? I would have said something to the AP if I were her.
My friend said that the teacher gave an odd look. Man it pissed me off..if that happens again I'll open my mouth and be like she's not freaking disabled or handicapped..if she really understood the Deaf Culture, she'd know that's the last thing you say about them! I don't know why it bugs me so bad.
I'd have knocked the AP for a VERBAL loop and have her/him looking forward to the trip, all in one fell swoop. Lol!
Yeah. And she was talking about us being rude and talking. Yes, that is rude, but then she goes doing that, talk about a huge contradiction >.>.
It is those ignorant hearing people that I have no patience with and not interested in interacting with due to so many years of frustration of trying to educate them that we, deaf/hoh, people are just as intelligent or even more intelligent than them. Hope your teacher takes some action and show that AP what deafness is all about!
I don't know why it bugs me so bad.

Because it isn't really true, technically deaf/hoh may be "disabled" but it doesn't stop them from doing all the things that hearing people can do, so they aren't really disabled at all.

It is those ignorant hearing people that I have no patience with and not interested in interacting with due to so many years of frustration of trying to educate them that we, deaf/hoh, people are just as intelligent or even more intelligent than them. Hope your teacher takes some action and show that AP what deafness is all about!

Shel90, not ALL hearing people are ignorant ;) I know MANY hearies that understand completely that deafies are just as qualified in as many ways as the hearing are to do just as many things.
It is those ignorant hearing people that I have no patience with and not interested in interacting with due to so many years of frustration of trying to educate them that we, deaf/hoh, people are just as intelligent or even more intelligent than them. Hope your teacher takes some action and show that AP what deafness is all about!

Um I'm hearing, and I'm on deaf/hoh
Because it isn't really true, technically deaf/hoh may be "disabled" but it doesn't stop them from doing all the things that hearing people can do, so they aren't really disabled at all.

Shel90, not ALL hearing people are ignorant ;) I know MANY hearies that understand completely that deafies are just as qualified in as many ways as the hearing are to do just as many things.

That is why I said "It is those hearing people....."

I know not all are husband is hearing. It is those that look down on deaf people or dont even try to get to know the deaf person before making those kinds of judgements.
And to continue my post #6: I'd find a way to ascertain the interpreter's take/reaction, to what the AP said...............and what the interpreter did, if anything, about this. What is the terp's obligation? Reba, Terpretator, anyone in the know, help!
If I were the interpreter I wouldn't have signed that part of what the AP was saying..
And to continue my post #6: I'd find a way to ascertain the interpreter's take/reaction, to what the AP said...............and what the interpreter did, if anything, about this. What is the terp's obligation? Reba, Terpretator, anyone in the know, help!
Actually, I've been putting off responding to this thread because I was hoping to see more details of what happened first.

Was this conversation during a formal meeting? Who was involved other than the friend, terp, AP, and ASL teacher? Was the AP's statement a response to a specific question, or just an "out-of-the-blue" comment? What was the context and tone?

In post #1 I thought xNinjaxAshx was giving a first-hand account of what happened but in post #5, it seems that xNinjaxAshx wasn't present during the conversation, and was getting second-hand information.

Was the terp present in an official interpreting capacity, or as an active participant in the meeting?

If the terp was interpreting, then the terp does just that.

If the terp was an active participant in the meeting and NOT interpreting, then the terp should speak his/her mind.

I would like to know the full story.
If I were the interpreter I wouldn't have signed that part of what the AP was saying..
If you were working as the interpreter you absolutely must interpret everything that was said during the meeting.
Actually, I've been putting off responding to this thread because I was hoping to see more details of what happened first.

Was this conversation during a formal meeting? Who was involved other than the friend, terp, AP, and ASL teacher? Was the AP's statement a response to a specific question, or just an "out-of-the-blue" comment? What was the context and tone?

In post #1 I thought xNinjaxAshx was giving a first-hand account of what happened but in post #5, it seems that xNinjaxAshx wasn't present during the conversation, and was getting second-hand information.

Was the terp present in an official interpreting capacity, or as an active participant in the meeting?

If the terp was interpreting, then the terp does just that.

If the terp was an active participant in the meeting and NOT interpreting, then the terp should speak his/her mind.

I would like to know the full story.

To answer your questions, the teacher had the AP come in here and talk to us about how to respect the teacher. So she had the AP come to the class to talk to us, and of course there was a interpreter in there so the teacher knew what the AP was saying. Then she went on about how my teacher has a handicap and a disability. I was so surprised she said that, that lady has no idea about deaf culture.
If you were working as the interpreter you absolutely must interpret everything that was said during the meeting.

Agree with reba - every word must be heard thru interpreter ... smile

One time there is an older man who joined my group at the job training program. The man questioned me about working with "Hearing impaired" people and blah blah. I responded back to him .. Yes "Deaf Impaired" people blah blah .... A few deaf laughed inside ... The man and the others had no clue til my boss explained to them. lol ...
If you were working as the interpreter you absolutely must interpret everything that was said during the meeting.

Oh, okay, then I wouldn't have a choice, but after that, I would have gave the AP an evil glare, innocent me..:ugh3:
To answer your questions, the teacher had the AP come in here and talk to us about how to respect the teacher.
So the AP was speaking to your class at the request of the ASL teacher, yes?

So she had the AP come to the class to talk to us, and of course there was a interpreter in there so the teacher knew what the AP was saying.
So the interpreter was required to sign everything the AP said, correct?

Then she went on about how my teacher has a handicap and a disability.
When you say that "she went on about how my teacher has a handicap", do you mean the AP was complaining about, or mocking, or insulting the teacher? Or was the AP being overly patronizing (intentionally or not) by saying that because the teacher was handicapped (her word) that the students should show more respect to the teacher? Or was the AP saying that regardless of the teacher's handicap (her word), the students should show respect to her? Or was the AP saying that even though the teacher had a handicap (her word), the ASL teacher should be respected the same as every other teacher at the school?

I was so surprised she said that, that lady has no idea about deaf culture.
Most hearing people don't know about Deaf culture, that's true. We would hope that someone in the AP's position would be better educated about her teaching staff.

Maybe your teacher had a private talk with the AP after to explain how hurtful those words were? If so, I hope the AP apologizes and asks the teacher to help her learn more about Deaf culture.