ASL student Portland,Or area


New Member
Mar 29, 2012
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hey all i live in the Portland area and i'm taking an ASL 101 class right now i absolutely love it and i'm picking it up quickly my plan is to transfer to pcc in a year for their SLIP program. i really want to better immerse myself in both deaf culture and ASL does anyone have any places or ways to suggest for me to do this? I would also just love to get to know the deaf community better so anyone with time who wants to chat I am more than open and willing I don't know a lot of sign but I am learning and would love any and every opportunity to learn more. My Skype is Michelle_d89 : )
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hi im from sandiego

Call your local deaf center and they will tell you all you need and find out were they have meet up groups its real fun. I'm h.o.h just lost my hearing last year I go to Asl classes there a have a event at Grossmont collage here called dea@f town.@@ My e@mail is and give you more to help you..deaf rocks!
Im from Oregon, every friday or every 2nd friday of month, deaf people would gather at Starbuck or at irishbar town something, i will get more information. Thought you might want to check it out. We also have one in salem, every friday deaf hang out at clockwork (coffee place) and we also have asl students from Western Oregon Univeristy and Chemeketa Community college hang out with us and work on their sign language.