ASL Student in Columbus, OH


New Member
Aug 11, 2009
Reaction score
I ran across this site randomly and thought it would be fun to join. I just figured that I could meet more friends and talk with people in some of the interesting discussions that I have seen so far. I'm a student at The Ohio State University and am finishing their ASL program next qtr. (Fall'09). I'm a Women's Studies Major and my area is in identity within subcultures. The most interesting to me is multiple identities of gay/lesbian and Deaf. Being hearing I don't have a direct experiance in Deaf culture, but I am hoping to get deeper in Deaf Culture and hopefully be accepted into it and trusted to be part of it. Since starting my ASL classes I have truely discovered how much I love the language and the culture.

I hope that if any of you find me interesting enough that you send me a msg and we can become friends. And if you have Skype, let me know. I would love to sign with you!!
Welcome!! I am learning ASL too. I do have Skype, but have not actually tried it yet...
God Bless!
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave: