ASL 1 student has some questions...

As a long -timer HI user, I offer you this insight. No, persons with HI or CI are not considered outcast, However, the outcast are the born deaf who can read, write and speak English very well. Deaf culture requires the deaf to communicate in ASL only, or be looked down upon. Trust me, this is true because I experience it at each and every ASL social I go to.

I totally disagree. I was born deaf, I read, write and speak English well. I am a big part of the huge deaf community where I live - no one outcasts me. We're all respectful of each other.
I totally disagree. I was born deaf, I read, write and speak English well. I am a big part of the huge deaf community where I live - no one outcasts me. We're all respectful of each other.

Good for you and be thankful for it. Each community is different and you have not experience what I have and I have not had your experience. However, ASL is still considered the required communication method and always will be because deaf culture requires it. Those who don't use ASL inclusivly are looked upon differently.
I totally disagree. I was born deaf, I read, write and speak English well. I am a big part of the huge deaf community where I live - no one outcasts me. We're all respectful of each other.

I completely agree.

I know lots of people who were born Hoh/deaf, have excellent reading and writing skills (and sometimes also speaking skills) - including myself - and none of us feel like, or are made to feel like "outcasts" or "not Deaf enough" etc.
We all support each other, and acknowledge and respect each individual will have their various strengths and weaknesses.

The Deaf community in my city is one of the best, most welcoming group of people you could ever meet - and we focus on our similarities rather than "picking" at our differences (and different choices we've made, or our families have made for us in our youth as far as HAs, CIs, and speech skills etc)
From a late deaf perspective, I still listen to music. I can hear what is going on, but the vibrations are enough for me.
As a long -timer HI user, I offer you this insight. No, persons with HI or CI are not considered outcast, However, the outcast are the born deaf who can read, write and speak English very well. Deaf culture requires the deaf to communicate in ASL only, or be looked down upon. Trust me, this is true because I experience it at each and every ASL social I go to.

I think you might be a snob at the Deaf community if you don't show some respect and considerate with getting along with them. If you think you are superior thinking that we don't have the skill of being Deaf for reading, writing and speak English very well.

I can read and write really well, but I can speak but not very well. If the Deaf person don't want to speak with no voice, then that is the Deaf person's business. You don't look down on Deaf people like that. We welcome CI or HI if they can communicate ASL with us on the social event. This is our Deaf Culture. So butt out if you don't like the Deaf community. :roll: