Ask DeafGhostFreak anything!!!

Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Feel free to ask me anything and I won't bite ya!
how do we know you don't bite?
That means I am open-minded and u can ask me anything and an question won't hurt you. Next time I will make it clear ;)
1) What is your horoscope?

2) What is your bad habits?

3) What is your favorite color?
My horoscope is Sagitiarus

My bad habit is being dreaming during class

My favorite colors are blue and red/black
are u gay?

im jokin, but at least you are not going to bite me.

so, anyway.. What are ya doing for a living?
Have you sex with a ghost before? Boo:twisted:

Have you visited Salem, MA? I do want to visit Salem someday where witches and psychics live there.
Would you fall in love with bbnt?

Do you agree that 100% of bbnt's posts are not serious?
Why do you think SilenceGold won't admit he is bi
I am not gay, I am go to adult voctional service school for deaf adults who need job training so I live with my parents and play ice hockey for my girls team
I never had sex with ghost but I am not sure if ghost did have sex with me when I am sleep so I don't remma if I went to Salem,MA so I still want go to Salem's witch musem and halloween events also
Originally posted by Deafghostfreak
I never had sex with ghost but I am not sure if ghost did have sex with me when I am sleep so I don't remma if I went to Salem,MA so I still want go to Salem's witch musem and halloween events also

Kewl. I would like to visit there someday though if my time and money permits me.:D
Yes, I do see ghosts many time at TLC, current I am go to adult voc service at ASD and have see ghosts there too.