Ask a Wolf

Wolfie!! :-D aarroo, miss me?! What do you think of me?
Originally posted by Strawberry
Wolfie!! :-D aarroo, miss me?! What do you think of me?

Heeey Jen whats up. How ya doing. I think you're cool and sweet gal just like a strawberry. I hear you went to jail in Jamaica. Is that true or you playing around? If its true then how it happend?
Originally posted by Wolfboy
Heeey Jen whats up. How ya doing. I think you're cool and sweet gal just like a strawberry. I hear you went to jail in Jamaica. Is that true or you playing around? If its true then how it happend?

Aww thanks! I'm glad to be back, and I was just playing around, you know how bbnt throws random remarks in posts, and I was just playing along...
When are you going to shave your beard?
Do you ever eat snail?
Why are you interest in wolf not girl in red hood?
Do you itch your ass whatever it feel funny?
Originally posted by Strawberry
Aww thanks! I'm glad to be back, and I was just playing around, you know how bbnt throws random remarks in posts, and I was just playing along...

Ah I see.
Originally posted by illustrator
When are you going to shave your beard?
Do you ever eat snail?
Why are you interest in wolf not girl in red hood?
Do you itch your ass whatever it feel funny?

Never but I do trim it short.
Never ate a snail and dont plan to.
Im not interesting in the wolf in fact I dont like the story.
I dont itch my ass and it never feel funny.
Originally posted by Wolfboy
ookk you wont do anything to me. Im the leader of the pack. :twisted: Beware of my ravaging skills.

yeah you got some ravaging skills to screw up :fu:
Originally posted by Wolfboy
Yea :o :slam face on desk:
Originally posted by ChelEler
Welcome back, and are you going to stay here for good now?

Thanks. Yea Im gonna stay here. Why you dont want me here? :(
Are you going to get Metal Gear Solid 2:Subtance? I just got one for Xbox
Originally posted by Steel
Are you going to get Metal Gear Solid 2:Subtance? I just got one for Xbox

Nah I rarely play now. Im giving it to my cousin now. Im always busy so yea.