She has a case worker from the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired. They come out and evaluate her every 6 months and send books, toys, and big kits of things to help her. They will help her until she says she doesn't need them. They have qualified her for all kinds of programs. They will provide her will braille supplies, special computers, and job assistance when she is old enough to work. We have gotten so much from them already.
Her vision teacher is working with us on signs. Ashley is a hard sell right now because she still has touch issues. She doesn't like you to take her hands to show her things. We have to move really slow with her. She is getting it though. Being a preemie she has had to overcome so much. She is doing great though. She gets PT, OT, Speech, and Vision therapy until she is 3 through Early Intervention. She has a case worker at the Community Services Board that said we can get services past 3 if she is still in need. We get lessons from the John Tracy Clinic too. They are fun. Sorry to be so long winded. She is a busy girl. Thanks for the info on the American Society for Deaf Children. I will look into that today.