Arizona to Secede?

uh............................ I'm going to give you a chance to redeem yourself. Think very hard about what you just said there.

A Judge is supposed to enforce the law, not make up laws. At least that's supposed to be my understanding. Police officers, the Prosecutor and Judges are supposed to UPHOLD the law and the Constitution that they are sworn to protect.

Wirelessly posted

If you guys were still under British rule, obviously you guys would have equal representation in the British Parliament.
Wirelessly posted


If you think the military or the police is suppose to uphold the Constitution or any other documents equally as important in the world, you got another thing coming.
Wirelessly posted

If you guys were still under British rule, obviously you guys would have equal representation in the British Parliament.

As if.

Have you read the news lately? Some Grandma got ticketed for picking up someone else's dog poop other than her own dog's poop.

A great-grandmother in England will not have to pay a fine after she was ticketed for picking up the wrong dog's poop.

Pam Robson, 60, was given the equivalent of a $75 fine in January after Sunderland Council wardens said she failed to pick up after her Labrador, Derik, and instead picked up another dog's mess, the BBC reports. Suderland is in northern England.

"He said it was the wrong mess and that he was going to issue me with a fine for £50," she told the BBC. "I picked up the other mess too and put it in the bag but he said I'd still be fined."

She was told she would be taken to court if she didn't pay, but after Robson went to her member of parliament and a lawyer, the case was dropped.

The Sunderland City Council said while "officers at the time were satisfied that an offence had been committed" they "will not be pursing the non-payment."

Source: Woman ticketed for picking up wrong dog poop | Weird | News | Toronto Sun

Silly UKers. In fact, there's worse stories going on in the UK that gives me chills.

Wirelessly posted

What does being fined got to do with the reasons behind the Revolutionary War?

The very same law can be passed in the States. At least the woman in the article could vote that could change British politics; our ancestors didn't have a say in British politics.
Wirelessly posted


If you think the military or the police is suppose to uphold the Constitution or any other documents equally as important in the world, you got another thing coming.

One day, to quote Dick Cheney "The US Constitution is just a G Damn piece of paper", the Constitution as we know it will one day disappear and replace with Totalitarian rule, a One World Government, as it were.

Wirelessly posted

What does being fined got to do with the reasons behind the Revolutionary War?

The very same law can be passed in the States. At least the woman in the article could vote that could change British politics; our ancestors didn't have a say in British politics.

You said Equal Representation and what they did to the Grandma doesn't show that. That's a fascist behavior.

Wirelessly posted

Um, she does have equal representation, that's why she's a British citizen with voting power. She can vote for a politican to overturn such law; the judge can make a decision to enforce it or not.
As long she still have the rights to vote, she has representation.

Fascist or not, it still got nothing to do with why the Thirteen Colonies revolted. There's nothing in the U.S. Constitution that prevent the States from becoming a fascist state or a plutocracy anyway. The reason why the Thirteen Colonies revolted is because they didn't have seats in the British Parliament. They were not equal to British subjects on the Isles.

So what has the UK education system been teaching you as to why we broke off with the British?

Just curious,

A Judge is supposed to enforce the law, not make up laws. At least that's supposed to be my understanding. Police officers, the Prosecutor and Judges are supposed to UPHOLD the law and the Constitution that they are sworn to protect.


1. there are no police officers, prosecutors, or any such at Supreme Court. only 9 judges
2. any decision made at the Supreme Court is absolute and final. there's no appeal process
3. Supreme Court Judges are the supreme arbiters of Constitution
4. Supreme Court is basically the last one in the line thus they are "The Law"
5. Police officer and prosecutors are not supposed to uphold the US Constitution. They uphold their state laws and state constitution... which both are in agreement with US Constitution and federal laws. They are state enforcer, not federal enforcer. That's why we have 3-letters federal agencies like FBI, ATF, DEA, etc. If the state law is disagreement with federal law - the Supreme Court will strike it down.
6. nobody said Supreme Court makes law... that's Legislative Branch's job but Supreme Court interprets the law and sets the precedents
uh............................ I'm going to give you a chance to redeem yourself. Think very hard about what you just said there.

ok ... let me think about what Yizuman said .... he's right!
1. there are no police officers, prosecutors, or any such at Supreme Court. only 9 judges
2. any decision made at the Supreme Court is absolute and final. there's no appeal process
3. Supreme Court Judges are the supreme arbiters of Constitution
4. Supreme Court is basically the last one in the line thus they are "The Law"
5. Police officer and prosecutors are not supposed to uphold the US Constitution. They uphold their state laws and state constitution... which both are in agreement with US Constitution and federal laws. They are state enforcer, not federal enforcer. That's why we have 3-letters federal agencies like FBI, ATF, DEA, etc. If the state law is disagreement with federal law - the Supreme Court will strike it down.
6. nobody said Supreme Court makes law... that's Legislative Branch's job but Supreme Court interprets the law and sets the precedents

actually that is incorrect.

The three boxes. What are they?

1) The Ballot Box
2) The Jury Box
3) ???
so you support the overthrow of Judiciary Branch?

Only if they pass an unconstitutional law and impose their will against that of the people.

It would not be overthrowing the Judicial Branch ... it would be restoring the Constitution of the United States ... ah .. those subtle differences.
Supreme Court 101
With rare exceptions, each side is allowed 30 minutes argument and up to 24 cases may be argued at one sitting. Since the majority of cases involve the review of a decision of some other court, there is no jury and no witnesses are heard. For each case, the Court has before it a record of prior proceedings and printed briefs containing the arguments of each side.

During the intervening recess period, the Justices study the argued and forthcoming cases and work on their opinions. Each week the Justices must also evaluate more than 130 petitions seeking review of judgments of state and federal courts to determine which cases are to be granted full review with oral arguments by attorneys.
Only if they pass an unconstitutional law and impose their will against that of the people.

It would not be overthrowing the Judicial Branch ... it would be restoring the Constitution of the United States ... ah .. those subtle differences.

DC Gun Ban. Japanese Internment Camp. 18th Amendment. New Orleans gun siezure during Hurricane Katrina.

these were against the people's will and the Constitution. so where's the overthrow? *looking around*