Are your facebook friends really friends or the Govt spying on you

fools paradise

In russia they call facebook - A Fool's Paradise. Data mining, website tracking, identity theif and a host of scams. Like cattle people want to join up so they will be cool. Look at farmville. It is an idot's game but facebook plays with the users so they respond like pavlov's dog. Of course if it makes you happy then just say baaaa, baaaa and follow the brown star in front of you
Governments are not the number 1 hijackers of your personal information. Yes, it is evil, but it's a bit biased to blame entirely on the government for your fear (and look at your own practices).

btw, this latest "accusation" is way overblown. People just don't think about things and then get all hussed up when some news media makes it to be a "BIG" huge implied violation of sacred laws/privileges/whatever.

Identity. That's what all this social stuff (along with economics and politics) boils down to.
Governments are not the number 1 hijackers of your personal information. Yes, it is evil, but it's a bit biased to blame entirely on the government for your fear (and look at your own practices).

btw, this latest "accusation" is way overblown. People just don't think about things and then get all hussed up when some news media makes it to be a "BIG" huge implied violation of sacred laws/privileges/whatever.

Identity. That's what all this social stuff (along with economics and politics) boils down to.

jeez! that is strict to law require protect to law. law control powerful strict to sites! that is why violent to term, that is why reason serious!! that is strictest!
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epix (i907))

I have one friend who has over 3,000 friends on her list. Shes a fan.