Are you blocked from visiting a website? Click for solution!

Italian Paco

New Member
May 3, 2003
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EYESproxy is a free proxy which allows you to gain access to those websites that have been blocked by your school or works security server. However, if you wish to login to sites such as MySpace, forums and games sites.

Visit website It is a cool website.

Note: Admin approved site.
EYESproxy is a free proxy which allows you to gain access to those websites that have been blocked by your school or works security server. However, if you wish to login to sites such as MySpace, forums and games sites.

Check it out It is a cool website.. Enjoy it!
It seems to me that even if you can access blocked sites at school and work, you will be asking for bigger trouble, such as expulsion from school or firing from work. Is it worth it?
It seems to me that even if you can access blocked sites at school and work, you will be asking for bigger trouble, such as expulsion from school or firing from work. Is it worth it?

Yup, it does but just not to be smart over people then you would be fine.
heh, if I were admin, i would set block to and IP address. :D
I'm wondering how people have so much spare time at work that they can play games and surf the web. :dunno:
It could happens.... i was told by friends who was computer whiz.. they block their own ip addresses even on vp or in chat room.. even in here AD... no one can see the ip addresses... I did asked one of them HOW... they told me i have to appy lots of paperworks.. it is not worth of my times..
heh, if I were admin, i would set block to and IP address. :D

It wouldn't work since this website is dynamic, that can change their address link and IP address everyday.
It seems to me that even if you can access blocked sites at school and work, you will be asking for bigger trouble, such as expulsion from school or firing from work. Is it worth it?

Yeah I was thinking the same thing here, I rather stay out of trouble ...It's not worth seeing web site that been blocked for a reason...
Could be useful for those living in China or somewhere they restrict access in an extreme way.
Generally speaking, there's a reason for the blockage and these reasons vary; in the extreme example of oppressed individuals in China, it is obvious that freedom, democracy, etc is a highly fervent goal. The downside to that, in this case, is death or harsh imprisonment. Kudos to those in China and elsewhere for whom the cogent flickering flame of freedom burns within their bosom!
EYESproxy is a free proxy which allows you to gain access to those websites that have been blocked by your school or works security server. However, if you wish to login to sites such as MySpace, forums and games sites.

Most of the proxies the kids at my school try to use, has already been filtered by the school. So what I just do is run CMD (if you can't run cmd, just open up notepad and type in and then save and go to that file and it will run as cmd) and then type in ping *website address here*

so if i want to view i type this in cmd

and it will show you the ip address and i copy and paste the address into the browser tab and I get in. Normally, I would try to get the admin's password, but the network is on a domain. =\
Not gonna even bother.
But yeah, just thought you'd like to know that.
Most of the proxies the kids at my school try to use, has already been filtered by the school. So what I just do is run CMD (if you can't run cmd, just open up notepad and type in and then save and go to that file and it will run as cmd) and then type in ping *website address here*

so if i want to view i type this in cmd

and it will show you the ip address and i copy and paste the address into the browser tab and I get in. Normally, I would try to get the admin's password, but the network is on a domain. =\
Not gonna even bother.
But yeah, just thought you'd like to know that.

Thanks a bunch :)
It seems to me that even if you can access blocked sites at school and work, you will be asking for bigger trouble, such as expulsion from school or firing from work. Is it worth it?
Good point. Also not to mention the security hole you could potentially open up. Using proxy filters is a security measure. This looks like it could defeat some security measures and its not generally a good idea. Most companies, (including mine) have technical policies in place and you could risk loosing your job if you breach any of your company policies or if you are the cause of a virus outbreak. Trust me, then can track where the virus started within a given network. The only advice I would give on it is to make sure you understand your personal risks (loosing your job) and the potential risks to your network before you try this.
It seems to me that even if you can access blocked sites at school and work, you will be asking for bigger trouble, such as expulsion from school or firing from work. Is it worth it?

Not worth it for me to lose my job!!!! If a website that I need to get in for educational information is blocked, I send an email to the administration about the website and get it approved for access. If I do it in the sneaky way, I would get my butt tossed out on the street. Word of advice to anyone...check with your supervisors first before using this to get access to certain websites. :)

AllDeaf is blocked at my work which is a good thing cuz I would be tempted to check it from time to time and get engrossed in it instead of planning my lessons. I have access to AD thru my pager so if I am really all caught up with my lesson plans and other work, I will use my pager to check AD for some interesting readings. :giggle:
There are a lot of other anonymous proxy websites that do the same thing.