Are you blaming Asperger's?


New Member
Jun 2, 2012
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Who knows? I know it does silly for me to recollect my YouTube video again to make one better one. Its only 20mb download and 14minutes worth of your educational time.

[ame=]Are you blaming Asperger's Syndrome? - YouTube[/ame]
Just hoping the video can be transcribed in english properly. There is an initial captions on there at the moment for you guys. I may have to transcribe it for myself later on....
Okay everyone. I deleted my videos because I believe my consensus of educating people is not working. I am not getting enough views, but rest of it is just terrible remarks against my struggles. I can't do it. The problem myself. I am a stranger to the world. I have very low social status. This mean that no one cares about me to include as their friends. I am really struggling to make new friends here at the university and Townsville lately. I haven't been depressed, nor stress nor anxious nor anything. Just curious what is it?

So I believe I don't belong to any such places in the world I can fit in because I am struggling to learn other people's intentions in the social environment. I have a counsellor for SEVEN years! That is big number, I say it again. SEVEN YEARS! Okay, I calm down now. Yes 7 years I have been talking to the counsellors about my struggles within the social environment including family, friends, the university, work place and sporting. I would have been improved a lot because its 7 years that seem rather long enough.

Now, I am 21 years old. What it mean to you? Young! VERY YOUNG! Okay, well what is a big deal for young age people? Learn things! It means I wanted to make new friends because its a learning thing. The lesser than that happening, the more struggle I am. I mentioned in the videos I uploaded on YouTube. I believe more than 75% of the population who viewed those videos never understand what the words I have said. Okay, sorry. You know what? That is the best I can do. Are you recommending me to go to see a therapy? No, I find that offensive to be asked for. No one speak perfectly! I have a hearing loss. What it means to you? Language development problems, yes that what caused. You telling me to see a speech therapy is really offensive because you are blaming on my problems which is not my fault.

Okay that why I made that YouTube video of blaming me for my own problems that is never my fault. I ended it. I show you my poor attitude for deleting it. Why? I reflected on your attitude about it! Your attitude is doing the work to push, pressure and pull me away from me trying to educate people.

I am nearly finished uni. Im glad! I hate this place. I mean I hate uni. Because everyone is like partying and don't care about people disabilities. They make fun of it. Seriously. What is going on? Its so damaging to me. Causing me a lot of pressure for my future career work place. Indeed I will struggle there because there will be so many things that I never learnt before that you should have learnt during at uni! So does my future CEO or boss going to blame me for this? Then I become homeless? No marriage? Nervous breakdown? Antisocial?

Here is ABC article I did who they asked me. Have a good read and listen. Just basis.
Using Youtube to demystify Asperger's - ABC North Coast NSW - Australian Broadcasting Corporation

I am thinking to delete my whole internet account as well. I can't stop being on here because I got nothing to do outside of uni at all. I'm really lost at the moment. Everyone, mostly, just partying and doing stupid alcohol drinking. I had enough. I rather be antisocial and that.
I relocated the video.

[ame=]How to understand Asperger's Syndrome - YouTube[/ame]
Hi Matt: Some thoughts for you to consider. You mentioned that you have a Hearing loss-but how you deal with this is surely your choice. I mentioned before that comes from the Canadian Hearing Society/Toronto in their classes: Coping/dealing with your Hearing Loss.
How does it affect one's life: to be assertive?

As for your other "circumstance"-aspergers syndrome how to "deal" no comment from my personal experience. I am bilateral DEAF with a Cochlear Implant- almost 5 years.
Again not exactly your circumstance.

As I understand your threads-you will be completing your university courses in "environmental studies" shortly and hope to be employed -:"shortly".

I believe there is a "forum" re aspergers/autistic-called the "wrong planet" presumably some members there "might" have some" insights" into that "condition" which may be of some value to you to consider.

Much success in your ongoing journey Matt. Cheers
i think we must all accept the human condition some people socialise others will not, some want to and cant.Anger is part of the human condiiton which you have, also self pity a big part of human condition..
my daughter who got many things wrong with her plus autistic is different to you but you share the condition, she is not as intelligent as you are so she unable to analyise and maybe for her that is good i don't know but her life less complicated..
some people and i not saying me would say stop whinging accept what you got and do like others get through life as best as you can or do not accept it go down dr get some anti depresent treatment and a load more counceling then give up.Man you got alot going for you a uni education which going to give you oppitunities the rest of us can only dream about, you going to be in social strata that better than many,ok you going to have knock backs so welcolme to the real world
mate try enjoy your journey through life dont go looking for things to piss you they come without your help .Uni is not the real world you had expectations and maybe they not panned out as you wanted them to life very rarely do...
then ask yourself are you matty that happens to have aspergers,or are you the aspergers bloke who we think called matty,BE MATTY with all the vuneralbilities that come with being a part of the human condition

i profound deaf with neuro injuries considrably older than you so i can only talk from my position but god mate do you think it been easy it has not.
good luck
You can PM me over on wrongplanet if you want. Same username. I take it you do not know sign language. If that is the case, that is a huge barrier to trying to socialize as you are depending on a broken input/output system that will never be normal. Speech and hearing. you also seem to have a very negative view of society, hearing people and yourself. No matter how bad off your are, there is someone doing worse. I did not see if you have tried what I suggested. finding others with "special interests" the same as yours... It has been working for me for years. I don't have lots of friends but I don't need them either... I like friends who have similar interests and myself. I just met and made another Furry friend today who came over to visit me. Hearing but was very understanding, I just explained that I am an Aspire, and what that means in addition to how to communicate best with me. Participating in my special interests with people who don't know ASL is pretty much the only time I use my voice and CI now... I do have to consciously override my hypersensitivity to sound and dislike for voicing but it often works out good. it did today...
I have found these friends mostly online in facebook and forums that are about my "special interests" sometimes it leads to meeting up in person
that was on his vid film and i think he said he could aswel. not many people to sign with as i think i understood when i watch vid..some people were critcal i think.i read it about two weeks back and he withdrawn it now which is a shame,he have come back be bit clearer
Soutthpaw: :wave:again wise words from you- a person in "similar circumstance" as Matt. He should reflect seriously what you have keyed.

He is just starting his work life.

Also has just received a "real leg up" on how one has already dealt with very similar conditions-from an unexpected source.

Again- his CHOICE on what he will do.
Soutthpaw: :wave:again wise words from you- a person in "similar circumstance" as Matt. He should reflect seriously what you have keyed.

He is just starting his work life.

Also has just received a "real leg up" on how one has already dealt with very similar conditions-from an unexpected source.

Again- his CHOICE on what he will do.

Thanks. like the saying goes "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
yes his choise,i dont think anyone said otherwise.everyone stand in different shoe i can understand his allination and lack of company but ulimatly it in his hands how to deal with it...he still youngman not met people in real world yet and when he do he will meet people who good and kind and accept him for who he is not what he is,he also find life sucks at times
Thanks for kind messages everyone.

Yes I do english sign language which that is British. Mainly used in Australia. ASL is other thing I need to learn.

caz12: What you mean about 'real people'? I don't live on the internet. I go out places, mostly I feel concerned about my low social status which I am very prone to being left out in many circumstances. Being hearing impaired helps the problem more. It has affected my language development during school. I had to be left behind to do more work. This still affects me at university because the attitude of other students approach me is bad by blaming my weakness. Everyone at university always expect everyone to speak and interact socially very well. If they see it, they blame it. Not very well nice people at all. I'm having trouble in my studies as well because I could not balance it with social. It causes me headaches and anxiety in some subjects which I am concerned about my grades.
Hey MattyinAus

Thanks for sharing your story and your struggles. I grew up as one of the only deaf people in school. It was always hard because I feel left out and didn't understand what the hearing kids were saying enough to be able to be a part of anything. Many of them also would pick on me a lot for being deaf. So I hated school growing up. When I went to Rochester Institute of Technology in New York for college, it was better because there were many deaf students. But then I went to another university and was the only deaf student. It was hard to communicate with the hearing students and honestly, I spent those two years never being asked to do anything with them or feeling a part of things. No doubt it must be harder with aspergers. My brother is both deaf and has aspergers. He always seemed like loner type of person when I was growing up because socializing was hard for him. However he found one good friend and then later he also got married. Despite his challenges he was able to find just one or two people that he really clicked with. Are there any areas outside of uni where you could meet other people? I'm not sure what Aus is like or how many deaf people are there. For me, during my last two years of uni, since I had no friends in school, I spent time with other people I knew outside of school and that helped me get through those two years. Sometimes I push myself to try someplace new because you never know you might meet someone new. But I know it is very frustrating, and it is something hearing people don't understand because socializing come a lot easier for them. Hang in there!
I have a Friend From a geek store I go to, He has Asperg as well. I think as long you explain your condition clearly and leaves it at that and let things flow their own way. Things should go easier for you. I think you are a great and a sweet guy, your posts are very sincere and straightforward. Maybe some people just can't handle that like some of us can. Keep your chin up :D