Are you a hygenic person?


New Member
Nov 10, 2004
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Sounds like a weird question, but it's not. Are you a person that makes sure you are clean and ready for the day? I am a very hygenic person. I shower everyday, sometimes twice on a hot day, shave whenever needed, and wash my face with cleansing creams so I don't get acne. I usually shower for about 20-25 minutes, and then put deoderant, afteshave, creams and all that. I brush my teeth for at least 5-6 minutes, then I rinse with mouthwash for another 2-3 minutes. Ladies like a clean man, trust me.

Isnt personal hygene a matter of perception? Some people consider face fuzz (guys) bad hygene.. especially if they're fat or ugly. But if the same person was skinny and handsome, the fuzz is seen as a prop giving them ruggedness, or down-to-earth ness.. not as bad hygene.

Do I bathe daily? Yes.. Do I brush my teeth, hair? yes.. change underwear? sometimes.. (just kidding!).. really, be more specific what you want to know.. :lick:
I shower once to twice a day, depending on what happens that day. I usually shower every morning after waking up. If I work a lot during the day or work up a sweat in something, I'll shower again afterwards. As for brushing my teeth, I usually do that twice a day... morning and night. I also shave, but not as often as one would expect me to. I don't grow a beard fast like some people do. I usually shave every 3 to 4 days, depending on my mood. No, it doesn't look nasty or anything... until after a week. Heh!
I admit to being OCD about germs. You will find in my backpack and my purse both diaper wipes and travel wipes. When I go to the grocery store, I grab the diaper wipes or travel wipes and wash the handlebar of the cart first before I use it. I'm great to travel with because I suhwear I have a lifetime supply of travel wipes and they are great to use when you go camping and so on.

I also admit if I see one little ant in an apple bag, I will toss out the whole apple bag because I'm so nitpicky about it. It's one of the OCD habits I'm trying to break.
I used to work at pizza joint, and one of the waitress has stink hygenic body. Ewwww, manager already warned her. Next day, same problem and she was fired....

I can't imagine how customers could suffer longer when they eat pizza while smelling horrible hygenic waitress...
I must have at least one shower a day, sometime I do it twice. I can't function very well throughout the day without that "feel clean" feeling. ;)
Cookie Monster said:
I admit to being OCD about germs. You will find in my backpack and my purse both diaper wipes and travel wipes. When I go to the grocery store, I grab the diaper wipes or travel wipes and wash the handlebar of the cart first before I use it. I'm great to travel with because I suhwear I have a lifetime supply of travel wipes and they are great to use when you go camping and so on.

I also admit if I see one little ant in an apple bag, I will toss out the whole apple bag because I'm so nitpicky about it. It's one of the OCD habits I'm trying to break.

Simlair alike "MONK" TV showing. The guy who couldn't stand near any kinds germs.. and wiping his hands off every where inches squares. Is that right?
Yes that's right. Monk cannot stand any dirty and must be so clean. Same idea as CM.

Bullym0m said:
Simlair alike "MONK" TV showing. The guy who couldn't stand near any kinds germs.. and wiping his hands off every where inches squares. Is that right?
Ah... Got it..

Now I understand.. What your mention..

Thank you very much for your time....
Not easy for someone who have OCD.. I'm learning and curiuois why they are feel OCD as condiser phobia.. I do scare my heights of course normal but has to rid of my fear.
Espically roller coaster, I don't mind at all which felt so good *whoooooooosh* fast but not even think twice about the height... Am I strange or odd ?
Bullym0m said:
Ah... Got it..

Now I understand.. What your mention..

Thank you very much for your time....
Not easy for someone who have OCD.. I'm learning and curiuois why they are feel OCD as condiser phobia.. I do scare my heights of course normal but has to rid of my fear.
Espically roller coaster, I don't mind at all which felt so good *whoooooooosh* fast but not even think twice about the height... Am I strange or odd ?

You and I share the same thing relating to phobias.

I have OCD however I have an abnormal desire to watch horrors all the time to the point where I literally freak the life out of myself. Now, in those horror movies, we all do see those dirt, blood and worst of all.. gore. You'd think I'd make myself sick. Sure enough, I actually vomited from seeing an avatar from a forum where a guy ate out of another guy's stomach. :shock: To this day, I still cannot get the picture of my mind.

Chris, don't even think of posting that one!!!
Whoo hoo... but of course, I shower every day (except if I am camping or hiking, then I use baby wipes and moist towelettes.) I hate shaving, but I shave every other day. Using deodorant is a must for me, as I can sweat easily. If I sweated a lot on a particular day, then of course, you will see me showering again.

I work in a medical lab, and hygenics is a number one priority. We have to use disinfectant spray on the table, computer and seat, wipe them clean, etc... We have to wear gloves all the time, and wear masks if we are opening samples to split. We are required to wash our hands whenever we leave the lab room, and we are forbidden to touch doorknobs with hands covered with gloves. The doors are automatic, so it mkes it easier for us to enter and exit. Some areas are off limits to lab coats and gloves, so we have to take them off before entering.

When I am in nature, I am not as concerned about dirt as I would be in my work. Germs are unavoidable, and sometimes germs are beneficial to you.

It does bother me if a person comes back without washing his hands after the bathroom. I even remember back to when I was in Grade 4, when we observed that a teacher failed to wash her hands. So, we avoided her. Imagine her embarrassment when we told her that "we didn't like her because she didn't wash her hands after bathroom." Sometimes kids can say the darnest things! :giggle: