Are Female Police Officers Harsher?


New Member
May 20, 2008
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Do you think female police officers are harsher than male police officers?

I often hear complaints that female police officers make it difficult for women to work their "charm" to get out of driving tickets (not that "charming" your way out of a ticket is right), or that they are trying to be harsh because they need to prove they are tough.

What do you think?
Yep, I think they are generally harsher because in America, women aren't always regarded to be as equal as men.

Are you going to be a police officer?
I've never had female officers that were harsh. They're pretty much like their male counterparts. I guess they're your average policemen... err... policewomen. ;)
Yep, I think they are generally harsher because in America, women aren't always regarded to be as equal as men.

Are you going to be a police officer?
No, my sister is. She is suuuuuper tough. She is a Loss Prevention Officer part time and when she is off-duty, just shopping she will be watching for thieves.
There's a woman officer who works for either the Little Rock Police force (Arkansas) or North Little Rock- I cannot remember which one...everyone is scared of her. She's one mean cookie.
The female cops in Baltimore City are mean as hell.
There's a woman officer who works for either the Little Rock Police force (Arkansas) or North Little Rock- I cannot remember which one...everyone is scared of her. She's one mean cookie.
Yeah I guess with all the training and competing with other male officers females have to butch up a bit.
Heh, I never encountered a female officer. All of them are male.
Heh, I never encountered a female officer. All of them are male.

same. I'm most likely going to get arrested, tazed, hit, maced for lewdness toward her. oh well :naughty:
same. I'm most likely going to get arrested, tazed, hit, maced for lewdness toward her. oh well :naughty:

Ha ha, who knows? I wonder what would the female officer's response when I get pulled over for breaking a traffic law? I never got a ticket but got pulled over like more than 5 times in my lifetime, weird.
ummmmm..... a female police officer pulled me over for speeding. She asked me out for a date after she talked with me and decided not to give me ticket.

I went out with her and she was a :whip:
ummmmm..... a female police officer pulled me over for speeding. She asked me out for a date after she talked with me and decided not to give me ticket.

I went out with her and she was a :whip:

and then you woke up :o
I dunno.....U guys tell me if they are so I can go piss on off :naughty:

I don't think that would be wise my friend ...... but if you really want to just tell one "My, that uniform makes you look fat"

I am not sure, but I think you would be spending the night in jail .....
No, I'm not as thunk as you drink I am occifer ......

Not for me, because i work for that department...

Take my advice, dont diss policewomen when they're on PMS.
they do carry guns, but they have to follow the protocol anyway. They cannot pull the gun out and shoot at. As long they start fire back, then they can pull it out and fire it back.

im not that worry because i work for police department. I see them everyday.