
It takes a lot of courage to say those things.. what a brave girl! :applause:
Steel said:
yeah...and angels are GIRLS right? (well I always seen alot of angels with halos and wings look like girls anyway...)

What about that angel on "It's a Wonderful Life"? Angel's a guy. :)

sorry about going off the point, but apologies accepted. We're all not perfect and yet we do our best to get along in this life with variety of spices. ;)
Most people vent at least once in their life. I'd say it's part of the human condition.

Your friends know who you are. When they saw you venting, they all knew something wasn't right. They know you too well.

You also had class and apologized, which is something that a lot of people wouldn't have done.
You're forgiven. :) It was good seeing you being upfront and being honest in admitting you were in the wrong and apologised.
Eve said:
no need to apologize for expressing your opinion.

yah.. i am not sorry for expressing my feelings, but i was sorry for insult some people and swearing and stuff that all.. :)
Ohh thats okay, Darkangel..dont worry about it..we all are human, we all make
mistakes...no biggie...thats life, ive done the damn same thang too, girlie!