Anyone you know have their own philosophy or saying that made you laugh


Aug 9, 2005
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Anyone you know ever come up with something that you thought was really funny because you couldn't believe they said it but you know it's true.

One guy I knew, out of the blue, said once:

You could be the most unfunniest person in the world, but if you fart that makes you funny.

...and it's so true. If your sitting there with some dull person and he farts and you know it you WILL start laughing.

The things I think of at 2:00 a.m.
mine is 'none illigitimi carbourndom' which is latin for dont let the bast*rds grind you down

or anything from books written by danny wallace or dave gorman ;)
My all-time fave has to be....

"Plus ca change, plus n'est-ce le meme chose"

"The more things change, the more remains the same". It's the most common theme that James Michener used in his writings relate to life.