Anyone Willing To Do An Interview


New Member
Nov 23, 2014
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Hello, I'm working on a social work research paper about the availability of social work resources to deaf individuals. I am hoping to put an experience portion into the paper as I have heard from fellow students of mine that certain deaf individuals have had very bad experiences with social workers.

I am hoping to highlight this in my research to make a point about sensitivity towards other cultures (mainly deaf culture).

If anyone would be willing to do an interview about their experience with social workers it would be greatly appreciated.

I do not sign and so this interview would need to be conducted through chat, skype, or email.

I chose this research topic because I have been very interested in deaf culture and am looking to branch out my career into the deaf community as I feel it is a very rewarding venture. Any help would be appreciated thanks everyone!
Just FYI, many deaf people love having face to face interviews. The best luck with your research.