Anyone tried Tae Kwon Do (Korean martial arts)?


Nov 27, 2004
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I have been learning Tae Kwon Do for 2 years. Now I have black stripe red belt.
Is there anyone who tried Tae Kwon Do or got blackbelt??
:wave: I am interested in Tae Kwon Do but have not tried - my friend in college did and really liked it. I have tried some others - karate, Krav, Systema
I was a practicioner of Tae Kwon Do years and years ago and got a blue belt. I switched to Tang Su Do but haven't been back in quite a while.
All 3 of my boys did for 2 years...they lost interest later. Now it's football, tennis & skateboarding.
Hi, My 2 children will get black belt next week finally! It was a loong way to reach the goal. So I am so exciting about this! Probably it will take one more year for me to get black belt.

One of my master of tae kwon do moved to Ohio from NC and he opened his own new Tae Kwon Do school. We really miss him because he was the best teacher for children.
I just finished creating the video for his new Tae Kwon Do school.

Let me know if there is English mistaken since I am Japanese.
I explained about tae kwon do history and benefits deeply in this video!

Olympic Level NEW Tae Kwon Do TRIAL class! Master K Kim's martial arts Studio| Cincinnati, West Chester, Mason OH
I took Tae Kwon Do when I was in High School. I then moved in with my grandmother in Clearwater, Florida, and a man who lived in her neighborhood was a former Navy Seal. He knew 忍術 and would teach me every afternoon for nearly 3 years.

This was many years ago - but I remember the most important lesson. Staying calm when everything becomes chaos. Use chaos to your advantage to escape danger.
Hi, My 2 children will get black belt next week finally! It was a loong way to reach the goal. So I am so exciting about this! Probably it will take one more year for me to get black belt.

One of my master of tae kwon do moved to Ohio from NC and he opened his own new Tae Kwon Do school. We really miss him because he was the best teacher for children.
I just finished creating the video for his new Tae Kwon Do school.

Let me know if there is English mistaken since I am Japanese.
I explained about tae kwon do history and benefits deeply in this video!

Olympic Level NEW Tae Kwon Do TRIAL class! Master K Kim's martial arts Studio| Cincinnati, West Chester, Mason OH

I watched your video and it looked wonderful. I really like the atmosphere of what the Master Kim is helping the community to be assertive and positive plus happiness. :thumb:

For me, I am an old lady and I am not an athletic (meaning that I don't use exercise much). I am going to try to find some exercises for me to keep me healthy and lose weight. You and your family are doing wonderful in that classes. :cool2: