Anyone like Garfield, the fat cat ??

I collect Garfield comics, and still do slowly. I love Garfields! :D
A friend of mine called me Garfield as my nickname. Why? Because I am grumpy and lazy cat who loves to eat lasagana. That's me. Of course, I always sleep in the bed!! Umm, Where are Jon, Odie, and Pooky??? hee hee ;)
Originally posted by Oddball
A friend of mine called me Garfield as my nickname. Why? Because I am grumpy and lazy cat who loves to eat lasagana. That's me. Of course, I always sleep in the bed!! Umm, Where are Jon, Odie, and Pooky??? hee hee ;)

hahahahah Oddball -- im Odie!!! hahahahah
I used to watch Garfield on tv, and read his comics..but not anymore..:|