anyone here have eating disorder?


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Aug 26, 2006
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I am justing wondering if anyone here has aeating disordern I am anorexic and bulimic in the last week I have hardly eaten anything and am getting worse don't know how to stop if anyone is able to give me advice I'd like to here it amanda
How long have u had this disorder. I used to be blumic when I was in my 20s and what stopped me was when I was watching a TV show about this issue and a former model became blind from purging daily. I stopped cold that day and that was like 14 years ago cuz I DO not want to be deaf and blind!!

I still struggle with my body image issues but I have gone to therapy and worked them out enough to keep it under control. My disease started from wanting people to like me just because I was thin then it became an obsession. It is so scary to live with! Have u sought professional help?
My gf's aunt has bulmic eating disorder which means she hardly eats. She's VERY skinny and she has been struggling with that for more than 20 years and she's still alive! Now, she's found the road and she's getting better with a step at a time. I saw her once in June when I was visiting Michigan. My gf will be on to give you some advice about it. Good luck.
My gf's aunt has bulmic eating disorder which means she hardly eats. She's VERY skinny and she has been struggling with that for more than 20 years and she's still alive! Now, she's found the road and she's getting better with a step at a time. I saw her once in June when I was visiting Michigan. My gf will be on to give you some advice about it. Good luck.

wow! 20 years. Even to this day, after therapy and finally accepting myself as a deaf person who is not so perfect. I have been identified as having the classic type "A personality...someone who is VERY ambitious and a obsessive perfectionist who would do anything to get accomplish their goals" so even now, with me being overweight from my pregnancy last year, I struggle not to give in to the temptation to go back to my old ways. Yes, I work out but in the back of my mind, I constantly compare myself to the ultra skinny girls. Old habits die hard, huh? I am interested to what your gf has to say. Thanks!
No problem and thanks for sharing about your experience. I hope you will have it under control. :)
Well, it was so long ago when I was so ashamed of it. Now, I am not and willing to share it. It is hard to break out of its tenacles! grrrr...

Anyways, I hope to help Amanda and others by posting my experiences. Smile
Well I don't know if it would be considered a disorder... but I just don't really like eating, there are very few foods I like (or crave) and so I eat very little, sometimes I have to force myself to eat because I know it's good for me. Other times eating (or the smell of food) makes me feel sick.
I used to have eating disorder 10 years ago, not bulima or anerioxa but eat only healthy foods and took herbs. I lost 30 lbs in 6 weeks then lost my mind by stopping eat at all for few days cuz I was not hungry. Now I am too afraid to eat only healthy foods and need to lose weight for my health reason.
I've been Anorexic. I slimmed down to 6 and a half stones. Luckily it was only mild. I managed to start eating again but I suffer from depression instead. I've also suffered from self harm too. I used to pour boiling water on myself. It just seemed to make the mental pain go away.

Now I don't do anything like that although I did feel like self harming after mum died of cancer so I took to tearing cardboard instead.
I am not a counselor or an expert on aneroxia, but I know that the reason many girls and women who have problem with eating disorder. They feel like food is the ONLY thing they have completely control over because they can't control the bad things happen in their lives. They know that they control the food so they use that to gain power over things they can't control over things like rape, sexual abuses, a death in someone's family, lose a dream job, etc.

Once it became an obsession, it is very hard to stop on your own. It is time to seek for a help from professional