Anybody out there...


New Member
Oct 12, 2006
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I just posted on somebody's thread about deaf vs. non-deaf colleges. I go to a mainstream university, and I sometimes feel as though I'm not "clicking" there.

I've felt this constant, pervasive feeling of solitude (and, ok---it's only my fourth week). I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this as a result of being hearing-impaired/deaf or not? I'm wondering if that's why I find it hard to talk with people and vice-versa. Miscommunication and quietness happen a lot, and I'm curious to know if I'm the only person who's dealt with this (cuz' I'm a crazy person).

Are these emotions in my head or has anyone else ever felt lonely or lacked friends because they've always felt misunderstood? If anyone else has ever felt this way, it'd be nice to talk about it instead of...not.
I grew up with quite a few deaf people in my hometown. I didn't have the strongest social skills with hearing people, so I went to a mainstream university so I could "step out" of my shell and force myself to deal with hearing people on a daily basis. So far, I think it's been worthwhile, but I do have my deaf days. I think it's a matter of self-confidence on how to approach people -- people feel just as awkward as you or me when it comes to meeting new people. It's hard to tell that, because these people usually hang out with their friends and seem like they can get along with everyone, you know? So don't be afraid to approach someone, and if misunderstandings are a difficulty in meeting people, treat it lightly. Just smile and say you can't hear them; just put them at ease.

You're not alone on this, trust me. I know a few deaf college students all over the country that have been in the same boat one time or another.
