Anybody from New York City?


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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I wonder how NYC improved over the years? Is it safe for vistors now? Cause in baltimore its very safe.I never had any trouble in baltimore since the late 70s
just you or for everyone else?

Everywhere you go is NEVER safe.
Are you from New york City Steel? Im asking is if i visit new york in september is it safe travel on the subway to yankee stadium? Im planing watching my favorite team beat the yanks there! The Orioles!!
see my location below my s/n?

then no...I'm not from NY.

I'm where hentai belongs. :D

funny no one else is replying to your thread. I guess it's pretty pointless then.

good day.

I live in NYC.

It is VERY SAFE, even to take the subway to Yankee Stadium.

Nothing to worry about!

come on over!
Yeah, it did improve so much since 1970's. New York City happens to be one of the safest cities nowadays. But I'm not too sure what is of Harlem and the Bronx since I know that there are gangs and dangerous drug dealers around there. I tend to stay out of Harlem area during at nights. Numerous of porn shops/adult xxx videos on the Broadway in Times Square are long gone since 1994's Mayor Rudy Giulani's policy clean-up for the better purpose.
Really, Douglas...

I alway want to visit New York city and also respect Twin tower center some day. I know we will one day.
A new World Trade Center with its 1,776 feet will be completely rebuilding by the year 2009, I believe...
ravensteve1961 said:
I wonder how NYC improved over the years? Is it safe for vistors now? Cause in baltimore its very safe.I never had any trouble in baltimore since the late 70s

Like you, I enjoy baltimore but I wouldn't call it safe:

A quote from the NY Times:

Homicides in Baltimore, which trended downward from record 353 in 1993, ticked back up to 278 in 2004, giving city murder rate three times greater than Los Angeles and five times greater than New York; 32 people were killed in January, even as overall crime rate declines; officials blame violent turf wars among drug dealers, saying city is quite safe for everyone else; photos; 90 percent of 38 homicide victims so far this year had criminal records; some criminologists question data, suggesting precinct commanders may be downgrading serious crimes; trauma surgeon Carnell Cooper, who has started counseling programs to encourage shooting victims away from crime, points out plight of law-abiding residents of crime-ridden communities; Mayor Martin J O'Malley, elected in 1999 on promise to reduce crime, cites city's gains


You will find it like most major cities that homicides are generally drug dealers or are crime related...for the 'average' citizen walking down the street, you probably won't be murdered (could be mugged, however).
Most people were not even aware that
St. Louis is more dangerous than NYC or Baltimore...
Los Angeles and san francisco are more dangerous than baltimore. Taylor i didnt have any problems going in downtown baltimore. Especialy the block. :)
ravensteve1961 said:
Los Angeles and san francisco are more dangerous than baltimore. Taylor i didnt have any problems going in downtown baltimore. Especialy the block. :)

You apparently never check out the facts.
Look at the link, genius. Baltimore is near the top in all negative categories.
I'll let you know if I ever get a seat on a B-52.
B-52 your seat would be here sir!
LOL, Steve, you win this one.
Sorry I am such a grouch today.
I live in NYC.

Let me know when you'll be visiting. I'll plan my vacation around that time. ;)