Any "Schnauzer" owners here?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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My friend is moving and called me about one of her dogs that she has to give away (she will only be allowed 1 dog, and she has 3). It's a Schnauzer (female). It's not the large breed, so it must be the smaller breed of Schnauzer, salt & pepper with some silver....cutest "mustache"....

I've never owned a Schnauzer and don't know their temperment....and since I have a Pomeranian who stays by my side at all wondering if these 2 breeds of dogs would get along?

I'm thinking of asking her to bring the dog over to stay with us for a few days to see how it goes....basically, the dog would be for the boys.
it's Miniature Schnauzer. temperament? all dogs are same to me. it's not dependent on breed.
Since the schnauzer has been raised with two other dogs, you've got a good chance that he would be ok with another dog. What about your Pom, have you had it in obedience classes or dog parks or other places where he (she?) has had a chance to run around with other dogs?

Sounds worth a try to me.

Standard advice is to introduce two dogs to each other on neutral territory, NOT in your home, where your Pom might get territorial. Can you and your friend walk the two dogs together someplace and see if they get along at that level? If they do, then you can try walking into your house with your dog while your friend walks in with the Schnauzer. See how that goes when they are both inside.

If it all goes ok, then a long weekend try-out sounds like an excellent plan.

I've got two males (both mini poodles), and while they are not each other's best friend (which is what I had hoped would happen), they get along fine, no fights over the food bowl or anything like that. Casey's BFF is the girl cockapoo across the street, and Pippin's best buddy is this huge English mastiff owned by another neighbor. Makes no sense since Pippin is so small he can walk right under the mastiff with room to spare, but they have a similar laid-back temperament.
My friend called me back...we decided that this Saturday we will take both dogs to the river for a walk (by my home)....and spend some time with them, and also for them to get to know each other.....

My doggie, a Pomeranian, has had no instructions at all.(schooling)..I've trained her not to walk more than a foot or so from me, and she comes everytime I call...when around other dogs at the Vet's office, she's on my lap.."observing" other dogs behavior, does a little "sniff" at times...She's 4 years this July, (got her at 8 weeks old), has been the only dog in my home....she also sits on my lap whenever I visit other friends who have she is protected. and spoiled rotten.... She is not around other dogs very much.

My intention is for the Schnauzer to be the boys dog, sleeping in their room at night...if both dogs fight over my affection (and some dogs do)...that would be the problem.
That problem of wanting your attention should work out. I can hold a Peke and Shih-Tzu at the same time.

THey are boy and girl. Our old poodle is a miniature so she is quite a bit bigger. She just likes napping in her crate, but she thinks she is the Shih-Tzu's mother, as we got it as a 12 week old puppy mill rescue and she likes to take care of it still even though it is 5 years now.

They all like to patrol the yard together, although the poodle is kind of fat and lazy in her old age and just likes to sit and supervise.

What I guess I am saying is, we got all three dogs at differents times, and they have worked out a good relationship and get along really well.

Thank you, SWK...from what I read, the Schnauzer should get along with my family very well...the boys will give her a lot of attention....I've waited quite awhile to find the "right" dog...Should get more insight this Saturday on the Schanuzer's "nature"....she's a cutie!...Tail docked and that mustache!...(I thought it was a boy)....she had been shaved when I first saw her, which is good for the hot weather we have here in Florida....I keep my own dog's hair cut short, only letting it grow in the winter, easier upkeep too.
Thank you, SWK...from what I read, the Schnauzer should get along with my family very well...the boys will give her a lot of attention....I've waited quite awhile to find the "right" dog...Should get more insight this Saturday on the Schanuzer's "nature"....she's a cutie!...Tail docked and that mustache!...(I thought it was a boy)....she had been shaved when I first saw her, which is good for the hot weather we have here in Florida....I keep my own dog's hair cut short, only letting it grow in the winter, easier upkeep too.

Actually, the bigger issue is probably with the dog you have now.
Actually, the bigger issue is probably with the dog you have now.

Yes, as I posted before. Pomeranians are very loyal dogs..."heart of a lion" (they say)...and Schnauzers are very loyal also....My own doggie prefers "just me"...but of course the boys give her extra attention, then she runs back to me... The Schnauzer lived with 2 other dogs, one the same breed, and the other a huge Black Lab.

Of course, an adjustment has to be made in the beginning, jealousy being the's still Spring Break here so the boys can help me for a few days...after that, I'm on my own with dealing with both of them. Got my fingers crossed that both my doggie and the Schnauzer will become best "girl friends"....and playmates, since they weigh about the same, just the Schnauzer is bigger in heighth, but not too much.

Worth a try?....
My right knee and hip are in agony from the weight of an 11 pound Peke and the Shih-Tzu chose this moment to put all her weight on my right shin and stretch.

So there are a couple of drawbacks. :lol:

Definitely worth a try, Rockin' Robin. And give it enough time for them to work it out together; it might not happen immediately. Keep their food bowls in opposite corners, if you can, so they're not close to each other. Some people say to continue feeding your first dog first, so she doesn't feel like she is being displaced by the newcomer.

If they sleep in different rooms, that should help too.

I really thought my guys would be best buddies, but it didn't really work out that way. Pippin we got as as rescue when he was probably about 6 years old; Casey we got as a 14 week old puppy the following year. Casey LOVES to run and jump; Pippin, not so much. So they didn't really click in that sense, but they get along all right and never squabble over feeding or anything. I make sure to spend time with each of them separately for training, as well as some training time together.

Have both these girls been spayed? That should help them get along; two unspayed females can get tempermental with each other, I've heard.
It all depend on how the dogs where raise. Finlay and I where taking a walk once and we saw a white poodle and we walked by the dog thinking the white poodle was friendly like my dog. Wrong! The white poodle jumped out at us! Finlay and I where shocked! The owner was not very nice either!
I think the owners has a lot to do with the dog behavior.
I love Schnauzers even I have never own one for myself. My Dad and My Mom (both divorced) each had their own Schnauzer. This wonderful Miniature Schnauzers are really wonderful to have. Sadly both are gone and so are my parents too (three years apart from each other). They are also great with children. I think you will do fine with your dogs getting to know her (Schnauzer). Just let them sniff themselves and see if they can get along well. Sometimes an older dog who had to go to another home might feel abandoned by his or her owner instead of the new owner. So I hope the Schnauzer will get adjust or adapt to the environment in your home and also being with other dogs including you. Good luck. :)
Having had two mini schnauzers in the family, I can say they're great dogs, clever and fun altogether. Very friendly yes. Loyal and they listen very well.