Any popular deaf gay/lesbian in U.S? And your expreince in apprach the hearing?


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May 7, 2004
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I am interested in how large deaf gay/lesbian ppl live in states? What does state have gay/lesbian culture being observed? Any club or organizaition for both deaf and hearing? I m just curious. Have you experience your dating hearing people? Any communication problem? As for your exprience your dating someone knows sign language ( not an interpeter, but depend on how skill they can sign) and did you have patient when he/she sign too slowly or keep write things down as communication? How would you feel about it? How you able to deal with it? Which do perfer you date deaf or hearing?

I believe that some of you have different expreinces and awareness of approaching the gay/lesbian hearing world. I know that some of you have already gone to bar or special event. In general, we have learned and recogized the action and communication. In this discussion, I am interested in sharing your expreince and learning.
deafpride said:
I am interested in how large deaf gay/lesbian ppl live in states? What does state have gay/lesbian culture being observed? Any club or organizaition for both deaf and hearing? I m just curious. Have you experience your dating hearing people? Any communication problem? As for your exprience your dating someone knows sign language ( not an interpeter, but depend on how skill they can sign) and did you have patient when he/she sign too slowly or keep write things down as communication? How would you feel about it? How you able to deal with it? Which do perfer you date deaf or hearing?

I believe that some of you have different expreinces and awareness of approaching the gay/lesbian hearing world. I know that some of you have already gone to bar or special event. In general, we have learned and recogized the action and communication. In this discussion, I am interested in sharing your expreince and learning.

HI there,
Im lesbian, I believe there are strong deaf gay/lesbian is in Seattle, Washington but for me i had date with deaf and hearing.. i wouldn't compare for hearing and deaf .. cuz it just all same people who had show the feeling for somebody's... if a hearing girl comes and want me, she really do.. she can learn to sign language if she really intersted me that's fine with me.. if she don't then i will know the answer. right now i have a deaf girlfriend.. Hearing and Deaf isn't matter to me...
Well well... I know Dallas is pretty good group of gay/lesbian... but also, I know Houston is mostly popular for Gay but Austin is mostly popular for Lesbian. Where I live now in Missouri -- not much as Dallas. I dated hearing girl but seems not working because of communication not good. I have experience with hoh/deaf girls. :) By the way, I am Queer!
Long Beach, California has a very large gay/lesbian community especially on Broadway east of the Alamitos street. We had an office in that area which explains my reasoning for being there a lot. They have a huge pride event in May ( ) and it involves a chartered cruise ship and lots of booths around rainbow harbor and a parade. We plan on fundraising at their pride event next year.

San Fransciso is one of the other largest GBLT community as well...
Seattle has a pretty big gay/lez community....there's a lot of hearing people who knows sign and go to college for ASL classes, there's lot of them who social with deaf, too. The college is right where gay/lez hang around...on Sroadway St. Capitol hill neighborhood (east of Downtown Seattle, it's a very diverse community, with 26,000 residents living in only one square miles. Anyhow, tonite is starbucks deaf social with mostly gay/lez...and I'm going. :D
you all have different opioins:however, I respect that. In my experience that I have relationships with hearings are some who knowing sign language and some aren't.. I think I perfer dating deaf becuase It would be easier to communicate with ASL and IF I dating hearing who is willing to learn ASL but it must be motivated in signing for communication. Depend on individuals. Sometime I can get frustration with hearing when he gave up signing as interpeter while conversation with hearing friends. I feel unfair and want to hear something from them. It wastes my time and interest. Thinking about solve this issue. How could hearing person understand depth in Deaf culture? Would they able to be open-minded and learn sgin language? Would they take advantage of deaf lover? What attitude do they have about deaf ppl? However, I have difficult deal with hearing in special issues.

The reason I want to date deaf are communicate easily without writing things down like a book and use same language. Deaf ppl have same feelings and emotions in most common.

You know what am I talking about? IF you don't understand or comment something, ask me anthing. I would be happy to answer.

QUOTE=deafpride]I am interested in how large deaf gay/lesbian ppl live in states? What does state have gay/lesbian culture being observed? Any club or organizaition for both deaf and hearing? I m just curious. Have you experience your dating hearing people? Any communication problem? As for your exprience your dating someone knows sign language ( not an interpeter, but depend on how skill they can sign) and did you have patient when he/she sign too slowly or keep write things down as communication? How would you feel about it? How you able to deal with it? Which do perfer you date deaf or hearing?

I believe that some of you have different expreinces and awareness of approaching the gay/lesbian hearing world. I know that some of you have already gone to bar or special event. In general, we have learned and recogized the action and communication. In this discussion, I am interested in sharing your expreince and learning.[/QUOTE]
Any popular Deaf gay/lesbian in US?

Interesting topic.

Myself, I always have dated hearing guys as I couldn't find a deaf gay guy that is worth dating. Or that there just isn't any around where I live. Yeah I live in Seattle but a lot of the deaf gay guys in my town tend to be in cliques and it is hard to get to know them. Plus they don't interest me. So....that's why I date hearing guys.

The interesting thing I have noticed about deaf/hearing relationships is that it takes two to make the relationship successful as well as make it fail. Depending on the two people involved in the relationship and how much they invest in one another as most people know that relationships are also an investment.

Will I date deaf guys? Maybe, if the right one comes along, but for now, dating a hearing guy
I'm dating a hearing woman....(need some tips)

Hi everyone! To answer your question...I think largest deaf/gay is in Orlando/Miami, FL.

Anyway. I just start dating woman - had some little barriers between us. What I'm say is that, this woman is not very fluent in sign language and I am Deaf. Everything is fine except that just that communication has put me worriesome...will lead us to fall apart and stop dating because the communication wouldn't be good.. she said she wouldn't give any tips from your former/currently dating hearing partners.

Thanks :)