Any one else have Issues with Apartment Complex Maintaince keying in ?

Anij - I'm glald you didn't have any problems ! I didn't expect to have any here.

I asked for a keyless deadbolt because it said in my LEASE that I could. I didn't ask for a special one, just the normal type that has a bar that slides across the you pull down into that little hole and it locks. I thought that counted as a reasonable accomedation since it said in my lease I was allowed to ask for one.

They keep SAYING they are going to call But they haven't, not once. I gave them two numbers to call. They've never called either and they keep hanging up on me when I do call them. Very frustrating !

I didn't have the doorbell when this started, I got a Nutone with the single flasher. I was using Silent Call alert system with a pager, which I loved, but alas, the enitre system has to be replaced :(

The lease also says they are allowed to key in, in an emergency and no one was home. It was not an emergency, it was a routine maintance matter, and I WAS home, that was the problem.

I'm going to write them ANOTHER something, but I am waiting to talk to People and see if I can find out EXACTLY what my rights are. I'd rather not go claiming rights I don't have since that's not going to help anyone. I'm pretty sure there is SOME reasonable accomedation that could be made, Like some of the ones you mentioned.

I'll have to look into Sonic Alert, they seem easier to get here in Florida !

PS. Sorry if that came out sounding harsh, I had a major allergy attack last night and several shots and just realized all the shots and meds might mean I am not quite right in the head, just now, lol.
Wavedancer - I really recommend the Sonic Alert system, it's fantastic, reliable (I've had mine 12+years) and not too expensive. It also is PERFECT for apartments!!

I'm not sure if you already have things like an alarmclock, phone/VRS signallers etc?

Sonic has both individual components (ie doorbell & phone/apt door entry) as well as "packages" (Sonic Boom Alarm clock, doorbell &phone/VRS signaller etc). You can also add components to the system at any time - just plug them in and they'll work with you're other Sonic items.

I do find that for the Sonic Boom Alarm clocks (get one that is a "receiver" - so it will signal for the doorbell etc too) and any other "receivers", at least in apartments, it's important that you plug it into a surge protecting power bar - a good one used for computers/tvs/electronics ($20-30) is WELL worth the money as it prevents any "signal interference" from other apartments etc accidentally triggering the alarm clock. The doorbell and phone signallers (transmitters) can be plugged into the wall directly.

To learn more about Sonic Alert go to their website

(no, I don't work for Sonic Alert - I'm just a very happy, long time customer!!)
One time nearing Christmas, I was alone in the house with my young children. My dog (a Labrador), a family pet, not a trained hearing dog, started acting out of character. I sensed that she had picked up on strangers lurking about so I called the police. Sure enough, the police had received several calls from our neighbourhood. Shortly after, the police made their presence known and everything was ok after that. From that time on, my dog was like a hearing dog for me, though not officially. I really miss her. I am looking into getting an official one some day soon.
One of the Sheriff's officer's that live in the neighborhood came by yesterday. Asked if we had the alerts for me for the door bell and fire alarm. We said no since there were so many people in the house and that MIL would not allow it. He talked with her and convinced her that it was very important for me, but would be good for her as well since they can put the flashing lights in her room as well. (She's there all day). The local Deaf Service Center will have someone come and install it and the fire department has been made aware that there is a deaf person in the house.
One of the Sheriff's officer's that live in the neighborhood came by yesterday. Asked if we had the alerts for me for the door bell and fire alarm. We said no since there were so many people in the house and that MIL would not allow it. He talked with her and convinced her that it was very important for me, but would be good for her as well since they can put the flashing lights in her room as well. (She's there all day). The local Deaf Service Center will have someone come and install it and the fire department has been made aware that there is a deaf person in the house.
Good. I'm glad you're getting some support.
One of the Sheriff's officer's that live in the neighborhood came by yesterday. Asked if we had the alerts for me for the door bell and fire alarm. We said no since there were so many people in the house and that MIL would not allow it. He talked with her and convinced her that it was very important for me, but would be good for her as well since they can put the flashing lights in her room as well. (She's there all day). The local Deaf Service Center will have someone come and install it and the fire department has been made aware that there is a deaf person in the house.

Excellent ! I'm glad you will be getting them. At least one place I lived even put a sign that there was a deaf person in the area. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. It was sposed to make people more careful driving and warn them that someone wouldn't hear them if they honked the horn. I gave them points for trying though !
I already have the Sonic Boom alarm clock... and I'm needing something that will let me know when someone's at the door (moreso when I'm still in bed as I tend to ignore my dog when he gets excited and hops all over me.. oops?). Twice my mom's come by when I was still in bed and I didn't respond right away cause I didn't know my dog was reacting to the knocking he was hearing haha. So yeah, need something, and if I can get something that would go with my sonic boom, that'd be great.

landlord and maintenance were great about putting in flashing lights for the smoke detector. and if there's ever any maintenance to be done that's coming up, they leave a note on everyone's doors (each door has a clip on it so the notes would be clipped) as notice and yeah. I've only been in my apartment for a few months but so far no issues really, other than people at the door when I'm still in bed in the mornings.