Any Deaf Transistion programs out there?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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Are there any Deaf transisiton programs out there? What I mean by that is a post secondary transistion program for dhh kids who don't quite have a signed diploma yet. If I recall, I think the student is in Virgina. Does VSDB or MSSD have a program like that?
It should be integrated in their current schools, as it's required by IDEA for any child receiving special education services, minimally at age 14 but definitely required at age 16...
Deafbajagirl, what I mean by transistion program is something like this: Montana School for the Deaf and Blind and I believe that Colarado School for the Deaf and Blind and some other Deaf Schools offer a simlair program where kids can live on campus and get further job/education training.