Any Buffy and And Angel Fans out there (Spoiler Warning)


New Member
May 24, 2009
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Hi :wave:

Not sure of there is another Buffy and Angel thread out there
I can't seem to find it :(

Anyway I am a very big fan of Buffy and Angel
I love Spike too
I got all their dvd (Both Buffy and Angel)
it is the pity they are not on TV anymore

And the best thing is that they all got subititle :)
I been watching Angel dvd and I just finish watching Series/Season 3
Now going on to Series/Season 4

I am planning on watching Series/Season 7 which is the last series/Season of Buffy
And then watching Series/season 5 which is the last series/ Season of Angel

Why you may ask
Well if you are a true fan of both Buffy and Angel, you would know why


:welcome: and Thank you all for your future replies :ty:

LOVED Buffy and Angel!! Miss the shows-- but can watch it on Hulu... not sure if they're captioned on there or not??
LOVED Buffy and Angel!! Miss the shows-- but can watch it on Hulu... not sure if they're captioned on there or not??

Not sure what a Hulu is
Not heard of it before

Great, Hi :wave:

:welcome: from one Buffy/Angel fan to other Buffy/Angel fan

Someone to talk to about Buffy, Willow and Xander and not forget Giles
Which make me want to laugh, he got the same surname as me
Nope, different surname, His the English version, my is a Scottish version of Giles which can also be spelt Gyles

Vampire Angel and Spike
Me. I am greedy, can I have them both?:lol:

Not forget Angel's Friends, Fred, Gunn and Lorne
And Wesley and Cordy (they both started in Buffy but follow Angel)
I can't spell Cordy full name
And not forgetting Angel's son, Connor

I liked watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer when I was growing up. It was good until my mom changed the channel to Charmed.

I do have a life-size print of Buffy, lol. It's folded under my bed.....
When I was growing up, I used to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer.... I would come home every day and watch the show. I was hooked on to it and I watched it all the way to the season final. But ever since the show ended, I haven't watched it since. Instead I moved on to another shows.

I happen to like Vampires... I donno Why.... I've always been interested in Vampires.
Im a buffy and angel lover!! I was devasted when I found out about the actor of Lorne's death
I have the collector's edition for Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

[ame=] Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Collector's Set[/ame]

It's a pretty cool box. :)

There are a few episodes that I enjoyed cuz they were funny.

There was one episode where the whole town lost their voice and had to use gestures to communicate. It was funny to see how they would make accidental dirty gestures. Hehehe!

There was another episode where the whole town was cursed by a demon to sing and dance themselves to death. Buffy and her friends had to track down the demon and stop him before everyone else sang and danced themselves to death.
Did you know that they're going to do a remake for the movie?
love both series! Spike cracks me up, no matter what, I just love him!

And Angel is still on TV, just really REALLY early in the morning on the TNT channel (comes at 4 a.m. Mountain time where I am). That was how I originally got into the series.. I couldn't sleep so I was watching TV at 4 in the morning in my room and I was hooked. Have all of Angel and Buffy on DVDs now so I'm happy. :)
love both series! Spike cracks me up, no matter what, I just love him!

And Angel is still on TV, just really REALLY early in the morning on the TNT channel (comes at 4 a.m. Mountain time where I am). That was how I originally got into the series.. I couldn't sleep so I was watching TV at 4 in the morning in my room and I was hooked. Have all of Angel and Buffy on DVDs now so I'm happy. :)

WOW, loads of Buffy and Angel Fans
I am so happy to meet you all :D
Yes, we can get Angel in the Sci Fi Channel sometime
The channel normally show them every day at 8pm
They are not showing them now, well, I don't go there very often
Don't have subtitle for most of them

Not for films which is so annoying, sorry back to Buffy and Angel
Great, I can talk and talk about them without sounding like a crazy fan :lol:

I like it when Spike and Angel get together
To me the best part in Angel is when Angel is a Muppet
And Spike gets in the lift and he laugh at Angel saying You are a Muppet
And Angel punched him one but Spike is still laughing his head off

Sorry, guys, I will not able to be near the computer for a week
But do talk away and I will back as soon as I can

Very Happy Scifibabe
Did you know that they're going to do a remake for the movie?

Sorry, I have to reply to this one before I disppeared on you all

Nope, not heard about any remake movies
But I did hear of something about trying to get the all the actors (Males and Females)
back to play Buffy, Angel and the rest last year or was it the year before

Maybe it is for this movie that you are talking about but then I could be wrong I do get thing wrong or a little confused

Sadly one of the actors will not be there
If they ever decided to make a remake of Angel movie
The guy who play Lorne, I was upset when I heard that he died
I like the actor, he was very good at playing Lorne and I love hearing him singing too
(I can hear the tune of his voice but I can’t make out the words so I would be a bad singer)

But it is a remake movie of Buffy that you are talking about
Have I got this right?

Oh, boy, I will not know for a week
I got to go soon
Bye, see you all next week sometime (wave goodbye)

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LOL yeah the puppet episode of Angel was hilarious! I think that's my favorite Angel episode, it's just too funny. Spike giving puppet Angel a hard time and puppet Angel getting pissed off. great stuff!
You can add me to the list of being a fan of Buffy and Angel! I've been actually using my DVR to record some of the Angel episodes on TNT that I've missed.

I also heard about the movie. I'm wary because there is a rumor that they won't be using Joss Whedon (the writer and creator of Buffy). So we'll see what happens.
You can add me to the list of being a fan of Buffy and Angel! I've been actually using my DVR to record some of the Angel episodes on TNT that I've missed.

I also heard about the movie. I'm wary because there is a rumor that they won't be using Joss Whedon (the writer and creator of Buffy). So we'll see what happens.
Why don't you get the whole series on DVD? I think you can get 2 seasons for under $30 at Target.

They do have box sets for both shows. I got the Buffy box set, very nice. :)
Hi All :wave:
Follow Buffy/Angel Fans

I am back again, that break was good, I need it
OK, where to start
I am not sure on watching that new Buffy movie either

Before I went to away, I was trying to find pictures of Buffy, Angel and Spike together, just might get one with Spike and Angel together or one of them on their own
While looking for some good pictures of them
I discovered by mistake that none of the Buffy cast is going to be in it :shock:

Not good, I am thinking here, it will be spoit and I am not too happy about it:(

Very annoyed Buffy/Angel Fan, Scifibabe
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