Another Newbie


New Member
Dec 16, 2004
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Hi Everyone

I'm 45 y/o and have had ear problems all my life. I have had surgeries on my right side twice and on my left three times when I was young. 18 months ago, everything was what I consider normal with 70% hearing on my left, and 90% on the right and my right side got worse.

The symptoms of Meniere's Disease started. I had a constant ringing in my right (good side) ear and a drastic hearing loss. Dizzy spells were also there, but I never managed to let them bother me at home or at work. After two different ENT’s looked, poked, prodded, and tested me for a few months, they said I had Meniere’s.

I just finished with ENT Dr. number five (within 18-months) because either they can’t do any more for me and pass me to someone else, or my insurance changes (twice recently).

Luckily for me, I got two Widex Diva ITC Hearing Aids about 2-months ago. They are great, I wear them from 7am to 12-midnight 7-days a week. I don’t hear perfectly with them but it sure helps.

Hello Genman, welcome to AllDeaf. :wave:

The Widex Diva ITC hearing aids that you have, are they digital? If so, how different is it with the analog hearing aids (assuming you used analog before)?
Hi Alex

Believe it or not, no one ever recommended hearing aids for me during the last 30-years. I only recently got them.

Yes they are digital and were programed based on the last six audio tests I had. I love them although the right ear still bothers me from the Meniere's. I can hear sounds but I can't pick up words too well. I have never had anolog.

Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Genman! Enjoy your stay here! :)

Does it make you feel like you've missed out a lot before you had your hearing-aid? What is the 'one' great thing about your new hearing-aides?
Welcome aboard Genman! :wave:

Have fun posting along with us:)
It’s amazing how loud everyday things can be with hearing aids.

To name a few:

• The computer keys clicking when I type are deafening.

• The mouse clicks.

• The floors all creak in my house.

• My Lazy Boy recliner.

• Ice cubes in a glass.

• The neighbor’s car alarm.

• The fax/copy machine in my office.

• Phone’s ringing.

• Dogs barking.

• Wind noise driving with the window open in the car.

• My wife (she is so used to talking to me with her voice raised so I can understand her).

I am realizing that I have been missing a whole world of noise. It’s going to take a while to get used to it.

Fortunately, my MM symptoms are currently under control. I am on a low sodium diet and take a diuretic daily. I still have dizziness and fullness everyday but they are manageable. Even with the hearing aids, I still can’t use my right side for telephone calls but it has improved my hearing significantly.

Any other hearing aid users have some stories about their first few days?


Thanks for answering my question. Reason I asked is because I'm currently using an analog hearing, but have been thinking about getting a digital one for a change.

When I was 5 years old, I lost my hearing to both ears. I still don't know how I became hard of hearing all of a sudden, the doctors can't come up with anything either. All I remember when I was a kid was anywhere I went to was in total silence.

When I first got my first hearing aid, I remember sounds being robotic-like. I mean, the sounds didn't seem natural, and whenever I spoke it sounded like my voice went through a microphone. After a while I got used to these sounds. The only thing I hate about wearing my hearing aid is that it picks up the loudest sound there is. That's why it's hard for me to be in a conversation with a hearing person when the room is crowded. I heard digital hearing aids are supposed to balance these noises. I'm not sure but I'll find out when the time comes.

Have a nice weekend.