another newbie


New Member
Mar 31, 2013
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hello I am new here. I live in Spartanburg , SC. I live near the sc school for the deaf and blind in fact. I grew up in lake worth fl. I was born with a middle ear birth defect due to my mother having Asian flu while pregnant with me. I had surgery on my left ear, moderate loss in left now going to severe due to age(45yo) and mild to moderate in right. worn hearing aids since I was 8 years old. I speak very well so most people don't know right away that I am HOH. I think being HoH is the reason I have never been able to make friends. I am starting to learn asl on my own until I can find affordable classes. I work in a convience store so I don't make a lot of money. We do get a lot of deaf customers in the store.

I was mainstreamed in Florida schools, but they didn't know what to do with me. I am wanting to be involved with others so I hope ASL will help. and I have always wanted to learn ASL. Amy
Hi Amy,

Welcome to AllDeaf:)

That's great that so many deaf customers use the store where you work. As you study ASL, you'll have lots of people to practice with. And the better you get, the better it will be for them - I bet they'll appreciate your efforts!
hello I am new here. I live in Spartanburg , SC. I live near the sc school for the deaf and blind in fact. I grew up in lake worth fl. I was born with a middle ear birth defect due to my mother having Asian flu while pregnant with me. I had surgery on my left ear, moderate loss in left now going to severe due to age(45yo) and mild to moderate in right. worn hearing aids since I was 8 years old. I speak very well so most people don't know right away that I am HOH. I think being HoH is the reason I have never been able to make friends. I am starting to learn asl on my own until I can find affordable classes. I work in a convience store so I don't make a lot of money. We do get a lot of deaf customers in the store.

I was mainstreamed in Florida schools, but they didn't know what to do with me. I am wanting to be involved with others so I hope ASL will help. and I have always wanted to learn ASL. Amy

That will be fun....and since you're near SC School for the Deaf and Blind you have access to a HUGE deaf community! YAY!