Another job interview today.. scary


Mar 12, 2012
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I've got another job interview today. This one seems kinda bad. Probate (deceased persons estate) collections. It sounds kinda sleazy.. calling a new widow to collect on her husbands unpaid credit card bills.. etc. I do need the money badly though.

After my last job interview, where I got quickly denied after he found out about my HA's.. I'm a bit scared about this one since it IS phone collections.

Hate to be a job hopper, but I may use this as a way to replenish my savings for a few months and quit.
Wishing you good luck and if you do get it, I hope you won't find having to be on the phone all the time for the work, to be too frustrating. I have to make phone calls only through a captioner/relay operator, even with my hearing aids, so such a job would not be one I could do. But if you can, hey, go for it. It's not forever, and will bring you some income while you continue to look. :wave:

I thought that guy who seemed all ready to hire you as the best qualified was so prejudiced just because you wear aids. Grrrr! :mad: Without even examining what the job entailed, your qualifications, or if you needed any accommodations at all. I have had that happen, especially when the job description did not entail phones, and then finding it out in an interview, and having to admit I could not "do" phones, so knew I'd never get the job or hear from them again. It's definitely very frustrating. :( So, wishing you good luck, and that something you would more likely enjoy doing, will come along soon! :)
Thank you for the well wishes.

I can still use the phone I think. I do hate it though. It's just very frustrating to process all of what I'm hearing. It's like I have to listen, think about what the words sounded like, figure out what the words were, then determine the best response. It is tiring.

I guess it's hard to admit that there are things I can't do as well anymore. I've always had trouble, but since I'm losing the hearing in my "good" ear, it's getting harder.
Yes, it's hard to admit when you can't do as you did before. :( And I agree, it is *exhausting* to work hard hearing & understanding. Fully hearing people have no idea, no idea at all, the effort that takes! :hmm:
Some companies who don't have any job position open, but they go ahead post for job openings/interviews and they interview you and other applicants to ask several challenge questions to improve company's challenges they faced.
Good Luck...but that would be one job that I definately would not want, (but sometimes we cannot afford to be "choosy")...Feel that a lot of people might be extremely "rude" to you whenever you call...bill collectors are a certain breed, IMO....they have to be able to take rudness, cussing, etc., and be able to complete the call, and achieve some results....
Good luck. I've done some pretty bad customer service jobs but I could never do that. People who can always say things like 'just don't take it personally' but I'm not able to do that.

I can still use the phone I think. I do hate it though. It's just very frustrating to process all of what I'm hearing. It's like I have to listen, think about what the words sounded like, figure out what the words were, then determine the best response. It is tiring.

People are going to get upset when they talk to you and might not speak clearly. :(
I decided to not go. It's just too difficult for me to work a phone job. Besides.. I've worked as a tax collector for motor vehicle stuff and it made me very sad to send people away with large bills. Some of them cried because they could not afford it. I always had to take a minute and get the personal out of it before I could work again. I'm just too nice. This job seems worse than that.

I'm not in a bind for money to be honest. I just don't want to let it get to that point before I start looking for work. I like my savings to be kept as savings and not as "spendings" lol.
I think that's probably for the best. I still sometimes have bad dreams about customer service jobs I've had.

Eventually I stopped going for them. I had a great time driving a delivery van, maybe you could look for a contract doing something like that for a few months?
I don't know Minnesota, but sure, there is more to state than being in a "collection" business. The best luck.
I don't understand, if you are nervous about a job why go for it? I mean, why not go for a job that doesn't require phone work? This is why I do computer work because it doesn't require a lot of phone ability. Have you thought about medical filing or working in a library and other non-front line positions? Perhaps go for chat support in some company that offers it through messenger on their web site, still customer service without the phone.
I don't understand, if you are nervous about a job why go for it? I mean, why not go for a job that doesn't require phone work? This is why I do computer work because it doesn't require a lot of phone ability. Have you thought about medical filing or working in a library and other non-front line positions? Perhaps go for chat support in some company that offers it through messenger on their web site, still customer service without the phone.

I guess I just had a moment of panic. I'm not used to being able to have my pick of jobs. Always before, I've been in situations where if I didn't have a job NOW, I wouldn't be able to buy groceries next week. Habits borne of desperation are hard to break I suppose? I tend to be a bit panicky about financial situations. I'm working on calming down though. :)
It's easy to fall into that trap, but don't let it get to you. I'm not a big fan of heights, but I took construction work standing on the top of ladders. I got used to it, but it really wasn't the best place for me. As you get older, you understand what is better for you.

Good to hear you are getting a choice of work.