Another, "I didn't do it!"

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I hope this puts everything to rest - although I have my suspicions it won't (for some people):

Investigator: Herman Cain innocent of sexual advances - CBS Atlanta 46

And no, he is not a Cain supporter.

Wow, first you claim to know what position a man has to be in to force a woman's head into his crotch, then you make a reference to sticky floored theaters, then you start talking about female sheep. Looks like you have a lot in common with Cain. No wonder you support the womanizing pizza man.:cool2:
You should stop mimicking Koko like he is your big brother, and post something original. Your mimic was an obvious dig at my vocational school education, and you know it. My year at vocational school was a bargain. I walked out with a solid set of skills.

We could continue to trade barbs, but I prefer to discuss Cain. Did he or didn't he?

Neither one of them can post anything original. The best they can do is parrot someone else, and half the time, neither one of them even understand what they are parroting.

Hey, Jiro...where's that parrot gif you used during the pre-election Obama bashing these two engaged in? Looks like it's time to bring it back out.
Oh come on, really? I can see this tool being an investigative tool, but not to determine which of two people is definitively telling the truth. I'm no expert in this field, but you are supposed to compare a persons response with the same person's response to determine the likelihood of fabrication. I don't think it makes sense to compare 1 person version of a story with 2nd person version of a story. It would only show which of the two is more agitated or unsteady.

Also, this report says nothing about the investigator's bias for or against Cain.

Exactly. Without a baseline, it means nothing.:laugh2:
Yet Cain said he was willing to take a lie detector test. As for others, not a peep.

He has had plenty of time to get that done. Why aren't we seeing any results of him having taken a lie detector? I'll tell you why. Just another bluff.:lol:
No fear from her. I've said repeatedly before that Sarah wouldn't run for president. And sure enough, she didn't.

The polls just show the dynamics of people's opinions changing and interesting how opinions get changed from one candidate to another. Both Cain and Newt saw an upward shot of money coming in with Cain at $9 million dollars over the last 6 weeks and Newt with over $2 million dollars over the last 5 weeks. And yet both Cain and Newt are ahead of Romney in the latest Marist poll.

It'll be an interesting watch between those three candidates over the next several weeks or so. You might not be interested, but I certainly am.

Dang! You finally got something right!:laugh2:
Hey, if the guy can think with more than just his brain... it's a twofer! :giggle:

Vote the man into office already!!! :giggle:

Yeah. The criteria by which the Repubs judge a candidate worthy are very, very lax.:laugh2:
not interested. Obama's here to stay for 2nd term.

the only thing I'm interested in is... can we have some real bipartisan work this time?

Judging from what I'm seeing, I doubt it.
You remind us often. How can we forget? :wave: He also led us into a very prosperous period, nearly free from deficit. But that is for another thread.

Are you saying that Cain is your man, regardless of the outcome of this? Are you covering all bases in your support of him by posting this comment?

Repubs seem to be more concerned with sexual escapades than with running the country. All this vicarious living regarding Clinton's sexual conquests makes me wonder...:hmm:
You fail to realize the irony of this. People voted for Clinton again regardless of his escapades. It wasn't resolved (court/hearings) until into his 2nd term.

I like both Cain and Newt so far. This isn't over yet.

Like we told you during the last Presidential election...It's just a matter of time.
Because he has years of executive experience, exhibits common sense, and is proud of America without the need for apologizing.

Dude, apologizing isn't going to help that spectacle.:laugh2:

BTW...he did apologize. He said, "Sorry. Oops!" Didn't you have your CC on?

"Sorry. Oops." Really? For going brain dead in the middle of a debate?
I actually felt sorry for him. It was downright embarrassing.

I was not able to see the debate as I do not get the station is was on. I wish I could pick out the stations I am interested in watching instead of having to pay for a lot stations I have no interests in watching .I did see clips of Perry and it was embarrassing. I did not think it was a wise to go on Letterman , he should had let it go.
I was not able to see the debate as I do not get the station is was on. I wish I could pick out the stations I am interested in watching instead of having to pay for a lot stations I have no interests in watching .I did see clips of Perry and it was embarrassing. I did not think it was a wise to go on Letterman , he should had let it go.

It can be a toss up for a politician to decide to do damage control or just let it go. When running for POTUS, it's probably smarter to do damage control. Even better if you can get in front of an issue.
I was not able to see the debate as I do not get the station is was on. I wish I could pick out the stations I am interested in watching instead of having to pay for a lot stations I have no interests in watching .I did see clips of Perry and it was embarrassing. I did not think it was a wise to go on Letterman , he should had let it go.

I guess he was trying for damage control. Just make him look like more of a buffoon.
I heard Rick Perry did really poorly in the last debate. Why do people want a pizza man for their president??

Maybe they want the best deal on pepperoni pizza? :giggle: Ok, I admit that I'm fond of pepperoni pizza. :P
I actually felt sorry for him. It was downright embarrassing.

Just as well that I didn't see it. I hate seeing people doing a very inept job or embarrassing themselves in front of millions on TV. It's one of the reasons why I'm not a fan of shows like DrPhill and Judge Judy.
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