Another, "I didn't do it!"

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Maybe they want the best deal on pepperoni pizza? :giggle: Ok, I admit that I'm fond of pepperoni pizza. :P

Godfather's Pizza is overpriced and less than good.
A private investigator?:laugh2:

I've talked to several people in the field of forensics that watched the conference and said he is lying like the dog he is.:laugh2:

Were you a child prodigy when you attended Kent State?
I guess he was trying for damage control. Just make him look like more of a buffoon.

I thought that too , the Justin Bieber joke on Letterman was really pushing it!
I bet SNL will have a blast with this!
Uh, oh. Cain supporters trying to play the race card.

Several Cain supporters have painted the GOP White House hopeful as a black conservative victimized by those on the left who may be unhappy with an African American running as a Republican.

Cain faces pushback over Anita Hill remark – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

That hole just keeps getting deeper.

HUH!! We elected a Black president you would think that would had put a stop to the playing the race card ! I wish we could stop bringing stuff that happen in the past and let the candidates talk about how they would get our country back of track it they became president! If Cain did what the women said he did he should drop out of the race for the good of the country and if the women have case against Cain they should said something when it happen. It made me think they hoping to getting a bigger settlement now that Cain is running for president. I think the whole mess is an embarrassment to our country.
So, a sixth grader was out protesting the war?:laugh2:

These forensic dudes wouldn't have any credibility if jillio said it. Sorry but I just snarted :lol:
Well .... I am gonna go make me some hot cocoa and cozy up to this book I picked up called "A Wrinkle in Time".

Y'all just go on and continue hunting for Cain's long form guilt certificate.:D
So, a sixth grader was out protesting the war?:laugh2:

These forensic dudes wouldn't have any credibility if jillio said it. Sorry but I just snarted :lol:

what's snarted mean? I'm guessing this is something you should do in private...
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