Another British man beheaded :(

Very sad. We need a stronger leader that is not going to play politics ... a leader that will just destroy ISIS.
ISIS is now threatening to behead another American, a former Army Ranger, that they kidnapped last year. :(
RIP dear my disgust it muslim brits doing it I prey America gets these murder's bc not a lot happen if we do
This chap wasn't even a Soldier. He was a british volunteer aid worker delivering supplies along with his muslim companions.
I've worked as a defence contractor in the past, and I know what risks people take, but no-one deserves this.
Even Al-Qaeda wants nothing to do with ISIS......

I grew up in an age when the IRA were blowing up Pubs, Hotels and army barracks and shooting innocent people dead in the streets here in the UK, but I've never seen anything as barbaric as these acts comitted now.
This whole thing is really horrible. Too bad there will always be people like that.
This chap wasn't even a Soldier. He was a british volunteer aid worker delivering supplies along with his muslim companions.
I've worked as a defence contractor in the past, and I know what risks people take, but no-one deserves this.
Even Al-Qaeda wants nothing to do with ISIS......

I grew up in an age when the IRA were blowing up Pubs, Hotels and army barracks and shooting innocent people dead in the streets here in the UK, but I've never seen anything as barbaric as these acts comitted now.

Isis is beheading anyone to instill fear into the other countries to stop bombing them and I say this more of a reason to increase the bombing of Isis. They're recruiting more young people every day . :shock:
ISIS and Muslims are different. Muslims has do nothing with ISIS. Back to point, yeah ISIS will always behead anybody on their path. Bombing them with missiles is not enough. Time for USA to reveal it's true power, Nuclear bomb!
This whole thing breaks my heart :(
This whole thing breaks my heart :(

I hate watching the news b/c it been so tragic lately and I will to made sure the news is not on when my daughter and granddaughter come over. I do not want my grandchild hearing about this! Just how many people are being held hostage by Isis ? :(
I hate watching the news b/c it been so tragic lately and I will to made sure the news is not on when my daughter and granddaughter come over. I do not want my grandchild hearing about this! Just how many people are being held hostage by Isis ? :(

I don't blame you exposing news like this to litte one's. I don't know how many being hostage. It appears always one everyday.
I don't blame you exposing news like this to litte one's. I don't know how many being hostage. It appears always one everyday.

My grandchild is 9 yo but she dos not need to know about this , she could overhear people talking about. There are still American reporter covering the news and I hope none then get kidnaps .
My grandchild is 9 yo but she dos not need to know about this , she could overhear people talking about. There are still American reporter covering the news and I hope none then get kidnaps .

Right, she's too young to be hearing about this. I know , hope they are safe and no more of this . I heard they got an American next :(
Right, she's too young to be hearing about this. I know , hope they are safe and no more of this . I heard they got an American next :(

:( I have not seen the news tonight b/c football was all the stations and hate to watch it b/c this so disturbing and barbarian .