Another batch


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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New recipe.
Garlic Salt, Black Pepper, Onion Powder, Cayenne Pepper, Liquid Smoke, Soy Sauce.
Been drying at 170 degrees for 2 hours now ( should be done around 12am )
Just sampled for flavor, nice little bite to it but not hot, just tangy, Meat is like a medium steak right now, still soft and chewy but tender.
Lol supply and demand.
What is the initial meat being used? I'd be tempted to try this.
Bottom Round is the best, super lean meat.
set oven at 170 and can take anywhere from 6 to 12 hours to dry depending on thickness. I slice at 1/4" thick by 1" wide this batch.
Thank you. I have everything you listed, minus the meat, so I'll give it a shot.
I soak the meat in soy for about 2 hours or overnight to get flavors into the meat, you can mix seasoning in soy or sprinkle as you lay it out.
I use an old shaker and mix the seasoning 1part onion powder, 1 part garlic powder or garlic salt, 3 parts ground pepper, about 1/8 bottle liquid smoke to the soy sauce. If you want spicey add cayenne pepper or extra black pepper in shaker ( 1 tsp )
You can add meat back to soy after sprinkling and let soak longer. Drain and lay on racks to dry.
Thank you for the recipe! It was kind of as I envisioned it. I marinate my steaks in a very similar way, although not with all the same ingredients like cayenne or liquid smoke.
Well, the jerky was thick cut, took a little longer to dry. Started drying at 6pm, turned the oven off at 3am ( was actually 2am but DST kicked in )
Left it in the oven to cool on its own the rest of the night then removed and bagged this morning.
I fold up a small paper towel or napkin and put in the bottom of the zip loc bags to absorb any moisture. Nice and chewy, not crunchy hard. Little bit of a zang with the red pepper but tastes great.
I've got some moose meat I want to try making some jerky out of. I also saved some stainless racks to make a cold smoker with but I'm not sure how to cold smoke it and then cook it to kill parasites without turning it into cardboard.
I've been salivating over this since I started reading this thread :) I just need to get my butt to the store to get the meat!
I've got some moose meat I want to try making some jerky out of. I also saved some stainless racks to make a cold smoker with but I'm not sure how to cold smoke it and then cook it to kill parasites without turning it into cardboard.
first heat the meat to at least 160 degrees for 1 hour, that will kill everything. then move to the smoker and finish drying OR you can smoke it ( the meat that is) then dry it at 160-180 degrees for a few hours. the longer its in the harder it gets, I test mine by poking it, when its no longer soft then I take a piece and bend it. .. No juices, should tear like paper or splinter with the grain of the meat. Pliable but not hard. I also sample a piece from time to time ( its edible even if its not dry yet ) until I get the texture I like. Thin pieces will dry faster and harder so I rack mine where thick slices are on top racks and thin on lower racks ( juices drip down because , you know gravity ) lol that keeps the thin stuff softer a little longer, but use caution they can get super dry and brittle ( trial and error ) Its and art !

I was supposed to get an old stainless wine bottle cooler from craigslist, idiot gave it to someone before i got there after saying I could have it. Stainless with glass door, I was going to make a nice outdoor smoker for jerky. remove all the cooling crap and insulation, cut an opening for an external firebox ( cold smoker) it already had tons of racks and adding mine would have been enough for a good 30 pounds of jerky... well, Ill keep looking.
I've been salivating over this since I started reading this thread :) I just need to get my butt to the store to get the meat!
I buy my meat at Sams club, you can tell the butcher what you want and get a fresh cut , I normally ask for 6+ pounds and sometimes cheaper as youre not paying for the packaging for the shelf. My 6 pound bottom round was $25 and if I got it off the shelf they were max 3 pounders at $15 so i saved $5 and had a better choice meat since i asked them to remove the layer of fat on it ( so I got 100% meat also.) the packaged cuts have the thick layer of fat on one side, you dont want the fat on your jerky as it spoils ( I do like the fat so if I buy the cuts I will eat the pieces with fat first for that reason ( my daughter loves the fat too, it doesnt taste like fat and the texture is different as well when dried, you cant tell its fat but it holds moisture ( reason for spoiling ) it still keeps for maybe a week where the pure meat will keep for about a year if kept in and air tight container with added salt to kill any bacteria from handling.
So if you cook it at 160-170 then smoke it is it still preserved like the old school cold smoke? Seems like it should be but I'd rather not find out the hard way!
So if you cook it at 160-170 then smoke it is it still preserved like the old school cold smoke? Seems like it should be but I'd rather not find out the hard way!
yes, once internal temp is reached at 160 all bacteria is dead, smoking can be done before or aft, Indians hung jerky over a smoking pit then left in the sun to dry, they used heavy salt and some spices ( there is a youtube video on this, and another just to dry on the counter with a fan ) but i like to heat mine. You are not cooking the meat at any time, just drying it.