Animal senses that humans don't have

wow interested about it
my cat used to sensed that i am deaf refused to leave my side whatever i am alone i lost him not so long ago
bats usually dont hurt or bother people.. they are only looking for bugs to eat.. they come out at dusk to hunt for foods hence why we see them alots at dusk or dawn.. smile.. i see them alots and like to watch them fly and catch bugs.. they fly so graceful.. :)

Yes, u are right! they dont bother people at all...they just hunt for see we put out the bug zapper just for fun and we can see the bats flying around the zapper trying to catch the bugs, lol! it was so neat to watch them! we can see them at dusk or around the bug zapper, hehe. they are so
fascinating to watch!
haha yeah they usually come around the light post .. fun to see them do that.. zoom to catch bugs.. but yet very graceful? wow.. ha.. :)

my cat can catch them if they come close.. he caught the bat one day.. i was shocked.. wow! ha.. but poor bat .. :( sigh