An interest in Gallaudet


New Member
May 13, 2013
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Hi all,

My name is Travis, I am currently enrolled in a university in the Southeastern United States in a Deaf Education program. While I'll be graduating with my undergraduate degree from there, I don't like the idea of continuing there for graduate school. Simply put, I don't think I will develop best at my current school.

I'll be visiting Gallaudet in a couple weeks, and perhaps I expect to like it a lot. However, I am worried about the cost. My current university would be about 6K a year (without financial aid calcuated) while Gallaudet I believe is 14K. Clearly, these costs are far apart. Are assistantships/scholarships common? And since this information may be important, I am likely to graduate summa cum laude and am hearing.

Perhaps a bit long for my first post, but I've peeped around this forum in the past and have found some discussions helpful, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'd be happy to give any clarification. I look forward to your responses.
Very nice, quite a few that COULD be applied to me, even though I don't qualify for most. Do you happen to know if a lot of these are through application for that specific scholarship or if if the school would contact me?

You will need to apply for the scholarships for which you qualify.
You will need to apply for the scholarships for which you qualify.

Thank you! I never found that list and it will be extremely helpful. I'll get into a deep search after my visit.

I'm still open to any tips, words of encouragement, whatever you guys could provide.