Amish in the City...


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I saw the preview of it and I forgot when it's gonna be on.. I hope someone informs me on what time and when will the show starts. What you think about the preview of it. It's about a few young people who are amish try to the moderm life. I think it looks interesting and it should be good. I can't wait to see it! :) or telemovie on TV? Just wondering. ;) If it's about how the Amish live and how they get through a day in the city, it should be fascinating. :D
oh it's just the series on tv.. i dunno what channel though.. anyone knows or i can find out asap . :)
Is it some reality show? If it is, I think it's pointless. If they were real amishes, they would have never had their pictures taken or even be on video. They wouldn't even be on television!
Yeah, it's a reality show.

I'd like to know if they're really Amish. Maybe there'll be something on the news after the show.
Interesting! I should watch it. Is it me, or did they just select beautiful people for this show? Why not select regular people anyway? Oh well

Looks like the 5 people are real Amishes going through rumspringa period of their life.
VamPyroX said:
Is it some reality show? If it is, I think it's pointless. If they were real amishes, they would have never had their pictures taken or even be on video. They wouldn't even be on television!'ve got a point there...if they're going to be using actors acting like they're really Amishes...that's not a good thing to do.
That'll be sort of mis-leading. :roll:
I think that these "Amish".....

people are not really practicing Amish but what are known as "meidung" Amish. These are young people, who have left the strict practices of their "home-growing-up" religion and have taken to the ways of the world!!

I think that UPN is being taken for a ride because these young folks are putting on the clothes of a religion that they no longer practice and taking advantage of a "free trip" to California!!

Hmmmmmmmn! For a free trip to California and all of the California "hot spots,"..maybe I would put on an Amish bonnet...too!
I sawc that one of Amish chicks was smoking I thought that was against their practices ?
what do you think the term "rumspringa" means? Amish children are allowed to go out to the real world, experience it (including smoking, etc...) before deciding whether if they want to commit themselves to the Amish life or be an outsider.
I wasn't really impressed with the way the young adults treated the young Amish people. I will try to watch the next show next week.

I think it is acceptable for Amish men (not women) to smoke pipes, not cigarettes and cigars.