America's short term memory on Islam

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Mar 12, 2003
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Funny how Amreicans have short term memory:

"A New York imam and his proposed mosque near ground zero are being demonized by political candidates – mostly Republicans – despite the fact that Islam is already very much a part of the World Trade Center neighborhood. And that Muslims pray inside the Pentagon, too, less than 80 feet from where terrorists attacked."

And it ends with:

"Bush, himself, while criticized at the time for stirring suspicions about American Muslims, traveled to a Washington mosque less than a week after the attacks to declare that terrorism is "not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace."

HAHAHAHA! And where were the outrage among Republicans when he said that? :) How could he be so insensitive to the public's feelings?!?!

Islam Already Lives Near Ground Zero: AP FACT CHECK
Islam is supposed to be about peace. i suppose stoning a woman for a supposed adulterous affair when she was raped is about peace, too.
I am not surprised with how the Americans think of Islam (and the rest of religion), to be frank. They appear to be bending backwards as far as the religion goes.
Islam is supposed to be about peace. i suppose stoning a woman for a supposed adulterous affair when she was raped is about peace, too.

Excellent point!
But to be fair....the catholics did this too, I mean killing over a supposed sin.
Catholics did at one time. Many Muslims in some countries continue to do so. A difference there.
As long as muslims use the koran as a reason for terrorism people will not be able to accept it as a mainstream religion. It is also a religion the belittles women, hiding their bodies and staying in seperate rooms when going to their mosque, that is stone age thinking
It's hard to separate what's the "cultural norm" versus something of a anomaly nowadays.
Islam is supposed to be about peace. i suppose stoning a woman for a supposed adulterous affair when she was raped is about peace, too.
Yes thats true but there are tragic things more than these.. Muslims kill Mulims.
and that Uganda demanded death penalty for homosexuals based on "Christian teachings."

Funny considering that Jesus himself never advocated death penalty and he ended up on death row.
and that Uganda demanded death penalty for homosexuals based on "Christian teachings."

Funny considering that Jesus himself never advocated death penalty and he ended up on death row.

And that was a blessing and an opportunity for us. He knew it was coming and welcomed it as a necessary step for us mere human beings.

No religious teachings should advocate for the death penalty based on homosexuality. It's extremism, it's unnecessary and it's wrong. Can ya'll say the same thing for Muslim women who get stoned to death for getting raped?
"No religious teachings should advocate for the death penalty based on homosexuality. It's extremism, it's unnecessary and it's wrong. Can ya'll say the same thing for Muslim women who get stoned to death for getting raped?"

Um, the book of Leviticus advocated death penalty for "men who lie with men." That's extreme. So are capital punishments for other sins.

Judeo-Christian-Islamic values are fine but they got no business imposing their values into others who have different set of values.
"No religious teachings should advocate for the death penalty based on homosexuality. It's extremism, it's unnecessary and it's wrong. Can ya'll say the same thing for Muslim women who get stoned to death for getting raped?"

Um, the book of Leviticus advocated death penalty for "men who lie with men." That's extreme. So are capital punishments for other sins.

Judeo-Christian-Islamic values are fine but they got no business imposing their values into others who have different set of values.

It's also the Old Testament. We're talking about today, not something that happened so long ago. Keep to the present now.
and that Uganda demanded death penalty for homosexuals based on "Christian teachings."

Funny considering that Jesus himself never advocated death penalty and he ended up on death row.

Oh yes He did. Too bad we're not allowed to post scriptures on this board.

I was about to say something but I forgot.

Damn you short term memory, damn you!

Oh! There is nothing wrong with building a mosque. However, there IS something wrong with building a mosque as a "monument" of radical islam. The imam building this mosque has less than honorable intentions. He wants to mock your patriotism and mock the deaths of the so called "infidels" who perished on 9/11.

Hamas supports this mosque being built near ground zero. THAT should at least tell you something.

Hamas nod for Ground Zero mosque -

Using a "peaceful" religion to mock America is not building bridges.

You may as well build a Nazi Memorial in Israel as scream "Its my right !!"

Or a Kamikaze Shrine in Pearl Harbor.
Ummm, they're not building a new mosque. They're expanding the one they already got. Get a grip.
First, there's no mosque on Ground Zero. It's blocks away from the Ground Zero. It was ALREADY there before the attack. The community center is being built to meet the demand because prior to the attack, it had to turn Muslims away.

"Hamas supports this mosque being built near ground zero."

Sorry, guilt by association is not a valid argument.
"No religious teachings should advocate for the death penalty based on homosexuality. It's extremism, it's unnecessary and it's wrong. Can ya'll say the same thing for Muslim women who get stoned to death for getting raped?"

Um, the book of Leviticus advocated death penalty for "men who lie with men." That's extreme. So are capital punishments for other sins.

Judeo-Christian-Islamic values are fine but they got no business imposing their values into others who have different set of values.

That is it in a nutshell. Want the right to practice your beliefs as you see fit. Then you have to give the same right to others. Take theirs away, loose yours.
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