America’s Most Distrusted Minority


New Member
Sep 27, 2003
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Atheists identified as America’s most distrusted minority, according to new U of M study

From a telephone sampling of more than 2,000 households, university researchers found that Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians and other minority groups in “sharing their vision of American society.” Atheists are also the minority group most Americans are least willing to allow their children to marry.

I wonder how they feel about Pastafarians… :Ohno:
Hmmmm, let's see now....Pasta or Rasta......?
Here’s a list of some great American atheists. I’m wondering how many of the poll respondents would object if their daughter just happened to marry the nineteenth guy down on the list (the one marked ever so subtly with the arrow and the waving smilie).

Steve Allen
Susan B. Anthony
Lance Armstrong
Isaac Asimov
Irving Berlin
Ray Bradbury
Marlon Brando
Warren Buffett
Richard Burton
George Carlin
Dick Cavett
Richard Dawkins
Phyllis Diller
Walt Disney
Dr. Dean Edell
Thomas Edison
Larry Ellison
Henry Ford
Bill Gates <------ this guy right here :smash:
Stephen Hawking
Robert Heinlein
Ernest Hemingway
Katharine Hepburn
Molly Ivins
Larry King
Tom Leykis
Barry Manilow
Henry Miller
Jack Nicholson
Florence Nightingale
Madalyn Murray O'Hair
Penn & Teller
Ayn Rand
Ron Reagan Jr.
Christopher Reeve
Gene Roddenberry
Carl Sagan
Charles Schultz
Neil Simon
Howard Stern
Linus Torvalds
Ted Turner
Mark Twain
Jesse Ventura
Bruce Willis
Steve Wozniak
Frank Lloyd Wright
Maybe I missed it on the list but I didn't see, "Levonian" there. :lol:
Tousi said:
Hmmmm, let's see now....Pasta or Rasta......?

Pasta, of course. Your question can’t possibly be serious. How can you possibly suggest that a religion that worships Haile Selassie can be taken seriously when all available evidence clearly demonstrates that the One True God is a bundle of levitating noodles? You need to repent now, for your own good.
Hmmmm, interesting list. It is ironic how "atheists" are far more spiritual than a lot of the loud-mouthed neo-christians getting so much attention.
Beowulf said:
It is ironic how "atheists" are far more spiritual than a lot of the loud-mouthed neo-christians getting so much attention.

Not to mention a hell of a lot more intelligent and better educated too.
Tousi said:
Maybe I missed it on the list but I didn't see, "Levonian" there. :lol:

Why on Earth would I be on a list of atheists? :-o :confused: I worship the One True God, His Most Tasty Holiness, the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Our religion is of course the only true religion, and all other religions are false teachings. All hail His noodly appendages.

:bowdown: . :bowdown: . :bowdown: . :bowdown: . :bowdown:
I think being raised as an atheist taught me a great deal about being a good person of faith. Though I have always had an indwelling sense of God, and am now a Christian, I value my atheist roots.
Suppose one were agnostic as me?
Ah well, my studies in anthropology definitely pushes me towards being athiest. I'm a big fan of many of the people on the list above.
Ironic. I'll say that I would trust an Atheist before I'd trust someone who identified as an Evangelical Christian or Orthodox Jew.
Teresh said:
Ironic. I'll say that I would trust an Atheist before I'd trust someone who identified as an Evangelical Christian or Orthodox Jew.

You're not alone.
"A study done by the Graduate Center of the City University of New York found that the percentage of people who described themselves as 'nonreligious' more than doubled from 1990 to 2001, from 14.3 million to 29.4 million people. The only other group to show growth was Muslims..."
Charles Schultz ----> :-o!

The famed Peanuts cartoonist, who inspired "A Charles Brown Christmas" cartoon with Linus quoting well-known verses from the Bible? If I remember correctly, he also included some scriptural verses in the comic strips as well, too? :confused:

Anyway, I googled up to see if he was really an atheist, and I found this rather interesting little article concerning the cartoonist. Thought I'd post it here....

Exactly What Kind of Christian Was Charles Schultz?
=> (Link )
As a proud pastafarian myself....What, me untrustworthy? LOL

I think that having the views that I do, helps me - because I look at the world from a more analytical viewpoint, not colored by some precocieved notions or because a book told me I have to do this or believe that.
Who is the Pastafarian equivalent of Jerry Falwell? I want to meet the fellow.
Endymion said:
Who is the Pastafarian equivalent of Jerry Falwell? I want to meet the fellow.

I nominate myself for the job. “Levonian the Pastafarian Televangelist”—kinda catchy and has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Just open your wallets and give 'til it hurts, folks. Levonian needs a private Lear Jet. :)
I dunno if anyone can remain an atheist with you as the pilot, though.
Beowulf said:
You're not alone.
"A study done by the Graduate Center of the City University of New York found that the percentage of people who described themselves as 'nonreligious' more than doubled from 1990 to 2001, from 14.3 million to 29.4 million people. The only other group to show growth was Muslims..."

I'm curious about something in that link:

"Green says atheists/agnostics as a group tend to be well educated and politically liberal (although, he says, there are atheist Republicans). They tend to cluster in big cities on the East and West coasts. They tend to be younger, not older. They tend to be male more than female."

Does that mean that young atheists quit being atheists when then get older? Or do they die young?