Ambien makes "vegetitive" people aware

I was just recently prescribed Ambien for insomnia and pain medicines for the almost fatal gunshot wound that almost took my life almost 2 years ago. I used to be a law enforcement officer and now I can't work anymore because of the injury. I just bought a brand new Charger with a hemi and I took a Ambien before I took a shower and my family told me that I tried to get in my car and take off! So please be careful when you take them.
Yup, a true ADHD child can be given coffee.... It calms them down.. seriously!!

Benadryl, will knock some people out while giving others adverse affects, such as hyperactivity.

People wouldn't believe me when I told them Ritalin is a not a downer cuz they could see the effects on me.
I knew Terri would be brought up. There's a huge difference - Terri's brain was severely damaged that no amount of drugs would "wake" her up... she's blind, her brain is less than half the normal weight, and there's massive destruction of neurons - she's a vegetable, sadly. They also found no evidence of abuse - she was well cared. It's a tragic story and we have no right to intervene their decisions that are based on solid facts and sound reasons.

I am sure she had anorexia which often leads to cardiac arrest and brain damage.

A couple of corrections. Was. She died in 2005, and, she was thought to be bulimic; not anorexic. However, her family vehemently denies the eating disorder claims. We'll never really know if she was eating disordered or not. My feeling, though, is she was.