Amazing Pictures


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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A Somali truck loaded with corn is parked on the side of a road in Mogadishu, September 24, 2003. The delapidated city is the capital of the failed Horn of Africa state, where motorists have the choice of driving on the right or the left hand side of the road, such is Mogadishu's anarchy. Car wrecks, goats, cattle and the tent-like homes of refugees line the pot-holed, sandy streets. The country collapsed into chaos in 1991 after the ousting of former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre.
Shit! This is unbelievable!
'Bubbles', a Manta Ray that has been part of the underwater exhibit at Atlantis, Paradise Island in the Bahamas for almost two years, is hoisted away by helicopter and released to the open ocean Wednesday, September 24, 2003. The twelve foot animal, began to outgrow its viewing facility at the resort, which is the home for over 50,000 fish and marine life.
Damn! 12-ft!? That's bigger than my room!
Queeny, a six-month-old female cat with different colored eyes, looks into the camera in the Indian city of Bangalore September 23, 2003. The cat is a mixture of Persian and Siamese and has one brown eye and one blue. Vets who have checked Queeny, say she has perfect vision in both eyes.
This reminds me of a cat I used to have when I was little. The cat I had was white but with blue and green eyes.
Our Milky Way galaxy (center/blue) is gobbling up its galactic neighbor, Sagittarius, (red trail, from left to right) and on September 24, 2003, scientists offered documentary proof of this continuing cosmic cannibalism. On its way to oblivion, the dwarf Sagittarius -- which is about 10,000 times the mass of the Milky Way -- is getting stretched, torn apart and ultimately eaten, scientists at the University of Virginia and the University of Massachusetts reported.
Looks like the Sagittarius got :Owned: by our wonderous Milky Way!
Thanks VamPyroX , these are awesome pics!
When you get a threesome of trees, I guess it does that make it a treesome... Seen on a ski trip at the base of Colorado's highest peak, Mt Elbert, after skiing down the wrong side of the mountain.


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DeafSCUBA98 said:
weird huh?
I've always liked some of those quick-snap pictures of something in action such as a bullet going through an apple or a balloon popping. It's amazing to see how things move faster than you can see it.
getting drunk and falling asleep at a party is never good!


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:rofl: @ pictures in! :thumb: It's always great having a laugh over good pictures and getting good feelings from them as well. ;)
A picture of CN Tower!

P.S., I took this picture with my digital camera.
What do you think? I saw this on a friends signature...


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Hossein Barkhah of Iran dislocates his elbow attempting to lift 157.5 kilograms in the snatch category in group A of the men's 77 kilogram weight class at the World Weightlifting Championship in Vancouver, British Columbia, November 18, 2003.
And something somber.

TIME magazine has called this "the picture that made the world weep." This is Kevin Carter’s Pulitzer Prize winning photograph of a starving Sudanese girl who collapsed less than 500 feet from a relief agency food distribution center during Sudan’s 1993 famine. Carter committed suicide less than 3 months after being awarded the Pulitzer for his work.

With Christmas coming, it should be a time for all of us to reflect on how fortunate we really are, and to try to take the time to impact the lives of those less fortunate than us.


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VamPyroX said:

Hossein Barkhah of Iran dislocates his elbow attempting to lift 157.5 kilograms in the snatch category in group A of the men's 77 kilogram weight class at the World Weightlifting Championship in Vancouver, British Columbia, November 18, 2003.

shit, that one elbow dislocated I had almost dislocated my elbow from wrestling but thanks doctor didnt cut my arm off :fruit:
Christo said:
shit, that one elbow dislocated I had almost dislocated my elbow from wrestling but thanks doctor didnt cut my arm off :fruit:
oh yeah, my friend told me about u at wrestling.. oh man! that is soo hurt. are u :tears: or what? lol jk
SuperHuman said:
oh yeah, my friend told me about u at wrestling.. oh man! that is soo hurt. are u :tears: or what? lol jk

yeah it's so F*** painfully and black out for several hours