Amazing people with potential doing some amazing feats


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Nov 8, 2007
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Hi Everyone : It has been awhile since I've visited..only because I am working three jobs which is normal for police officers in Louisiana. Since Katrina we have had to work and do whatever we could to recover our lives, homes and identities.
One of my other jobs is working with the Hammond Daily Star (local newspaper) as a news correspondent, photo journalist and whatever is needed.
Many of my topics are simply, the pretty average with an occasional story on dirt track racing, butterfly gardens or new 2011 cars. However, I did have the opportunity to meet some very exceptional people.
I've written three stories which I thought might interest you and have included them here. I LOVE to shine a light on ordinary people out there doing the
the ordinary with amazing resulTs. I've had a chance to profile Hazel Alexander, Murphy Anthony and Phyliss Perrin. You can judge for yourself... we have what it takes when we need it to accomplish whatever we desire.

Hammond Daily Star Online - Education

Hammond Daily Star Online - Celebrations

Hammond Daily Star Online - Top Stories

When I retire from law enforcement, I am hoping my next challenge will be working full time with some publication spreading the word about potential and awesome people and places. I love photography even more than words....
I hope you like these stories. Unfortunately Mrs. Hazel recently passed close to her birthday a few months back and Murphy Anthony passed a couple of years ago. I was honored to have gotten to know them and to carry on their names, gentle, determined spirits into history. They can leave an imprint in our hearts to motivate and encourage us and our loved ones to push forward to create our own amazing feats.
Y'all take care and I love hearing from you.
This blog entry is dedicaed to my friend and an amazing man and police officer , Sgt Anthony Wallace. Gone too soon.....
Much love to all !
