Amazing Cell phone tracking..‏!!


Active Member
Jun 30, 2006
Reaction score
check this out !!

Unbelievable how this works try it immediately

Well, good ol' Google Earth just got better.
Type in his or her (any) cell phone number.
As long as that phone is turned on,
you'll get the location of that person!
Give it a try, it's incredible !!!

Click on Link Below:
Mobile cell phone GPS tracking
It's a double edge sword. You have to be safe about it. It also gives someone who is looking to rob you that information too. I only turn on the gps on my phone when I want people to know where I am located. It also uses up a lot of battery power.

I'm sure it will be good for finding out when someone is lying to you though. :)

Ha, it's a fake site... spam
This should be in Penisarium... Not in General Chat...

MOD can you move this?

Ummmm, not sure what to say here.......
I was look for my girl's..... now, I got her in red hand! Gonna prove her that no way she would deny!
O... M... G... it actually found me standing in the parking lot at the mall! :shock:
54 year old minister and granny here... shoulda read the comments first. *blink - blink*

Brain floss please...
And it just found Prez Obama in the White House... On the toilet... I guess he really does take his blackberry with him everywhere!!! :lol: