Am I over reacting?

yes, sadly the worst offender of audism is usually from our very own family

My hearing neice kept saying I act just like my sister (Her mother who is deaf).... so I kept decided to keep saying to her, You look just like your mother. Or your mother did those things too. After that, I don't think she brought it up anymore. (like racism, who think certain race of people all look and act alike, audism also think we all look and act alike too. They just have a very hard time seeing our very own individual personality)

Anyway, about the paranoid part, that's why ASL is a good idea. Then we wouldn't seem so "paranoid" because we misheard. I've done it several times. if a person really said it, then you wouldn't seem paranoid about it.
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Hello all
I am having a frustrating time with my current supervisor and his/her refusal to actually understand why I refused to let this statement "____ communicates when she wants to." (that's exactly how it is written) in my yearly appraisal. This was taken from comments from my co workers. I have a meeting with an HR rep whom I've talked to once already with a co worker also explaining what she has noticed.

Another meeting is set up soon with HR rep, supervisor and myself. while I got what I consider to be offending statements regarding my communication skills removed, (every one knows I have a hearing problem and has plus this is a major medical center that usually does things right, I do have a pager that uses the text and emergency notices through the paging system to pagers) the email notes from that meeting to hr and my dept head state that this in this supervisors opinion I am taking the statement out of context and overreacting.

The upcoming meeting is to discuss this lack of understanding on the part of the supervisor. I want to know, from my fellow hoh/deaf travelers through life if I am overreacting?

I may be, since I have gradually developed no tolerance for people who state I only talk, answer or communicate when I want to.

oh well. rant over. :)

Absolutely you are not over reacting. Go get 'em!
You said "No point in wearing amplification if one cannot benefit from it. I know I wouldn't benefit from wearing a FM system because I didn't when I was in elementary school. So why start now? It's different for everyone regarding hearing aids and FM systems."
You say you do not benefit? is it not a benefit if it makes others fell better towards you? is it not a benefit if they realize you are trying. Is it not a benefit if it improves any of the situation? I realize it may not help you hear/understand but it sure gives others the opinion that you are making and effort instead of digging in your heals. It's amazing what one can accomplish with a little smile and courtesy even when one has to eat a little crow to do it. Only ones that come out ahead in a law suit are the attorneys. They can't lose. Get paid when they win and get paid when they lose and if they do bad enough they can always get into the government.

Wow, are you deaf? That's a pretty audist attitude right there.

If someone does not want to wear amplification, even if it WILL benefit them, that is their choice and should be respected by everyone.
You said "No point in wearing amplification if one cannot benefit from it. I know I wouldn't benefit from wearing a FM system because I didn't when I was in elementary school. So why start now? It's different for everyone regarding hearing aids and FM systems."
You say you do not benefit? is it not a benefit if it makes others fell better towards you? is it not a benefit if they realize you are trying. Is it not a benefit if it improves any of the situation? I realize it may not help you hear/understand but it sure gives others the opinion that you are making and effort instead of digging in your heals. It's amazing what one can accomplish with a little smile and courtesy even when one has to eat a little crow to do it. Only ones that come out ahead in a law suit are the attorneys. They can't lose. Get paid when they win and get paid when they lose and if they do bad enough they can always get into the government.

Had to read this several times. Wasn't sure I was reading it correctly.

Amplification is not intended to benefit the rest of the world. It is intended to benefit the wearer. If the wearer does not increase their ability to perceive and discriminate sound through amplification, then the chance is very great that it will only cause more confusion and misunderstanding.

Were it not for precedent lawsuits, the ADA would not exist, and if it were not for lawsuits filed under the ADA it would never be enforced. Sounds like you have had a bad experience with attorneys and are projecting.

If those "others" you speak of need to see some sort of amplification devise being worn before they are convinced that the deaf person is making an effort are very misquided and ill informed. An FM system can't correct that.:roll:
Had to read this several times. Wasn't sure I was reading it correctly.

Amplification is not intended to benefit the rest of the world. It is intended to benefit the wearer. If the wearer does not increase their ability to perceive and discriminate sound through amplification, then the chance is very great that it will only cause more confusion and misunderstanding.

Were it not for precedent lawsuits, the ADA would not exist, and if it were not for lawsuits filed under the ADA it would never be enforced. Sounds like you have had a bad experience with attorneys and are projecting.

If those "others" you speak of need to see some sort of amplification devise being worn before they are convinced that the deaf person is making an effort are very misquided and ill informed. An FM system can't correct that.:roll:

I couldn't have said it even close to as well as this.
See, this is why it's so great to have you back, Jillio! :D